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Must Improve MYSELF!


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I got to improve myself so that I can meet more woman and increase the pool of women I date. It is important to me also because I want to make a lot of friends since I am traditionally very extroverted. Over the years my confidence has been beaten into a pulp so that is why I want to improve myself.


I want to have game and be able to be a smooth talker with a girl and be able to approach them. I can talk to girls don't get me wrong but sometimes I just don't know what to say.


Any advice? Suggest books?


I am a dominating guy and am always the alpha male in the group but I want to also express that to the opposite sex because I feel as though it will bring about more confidence and women generally like men like that...

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I second Ambiguous X's comment.


I also think it's worth noting that your last paragraph doesn't make a lot of sense, and this may actually tie in to what Ambiguous said...if you are the "alpha male" in your group, shouldn't this mean you already have confidence? Why would expressing it to women bring about confidence? If you're not already confident, how do you suppose you are "dominating" and an "alpha male"?


Beyond that, stop thinking in black and white. Life is not about having "game" or being a "smooth talker" or about women loving confidence. Try getting a better handle on who you are right now (not what you think you are or what you think sounds good) and who you want to be, regardless of how to attract women. Then work on improving yourself just for the sake of being a more confident, self-aware person, and meeting girls will naturally follow. Otherwise you will just come accross as fake.

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