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I guess this it. I'll know either way today - I hope.

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Well, it's looking like I'm being dumped yet again. The guy that I was seeing got back late last Monday night (as in a week and a half ago). I wasn't able to see him until this past Sunday. He has been sick. I assumed we'd spend the whole day together on Sunday but after the movie we went to he sprung it on me that he was going to his parent's house for homemade chicken soup. I felt odd as he hadn't seen me in two and a half weeks and now he doesn't even want to spend time with me. Last he said was Sunday early evening "I'll call you in a few days when I'm feeling better." Nice way to be vague. I felt like he was a stranger again. Well, I sent him an email last night (Tuesday) and just asked how he was feeling and if he was doing any better and then I mentioned that how in a previous phone conversation (last Thursday eve) that he had wanted to chat in person. I asked if he was still interested in doing that. I also said that I felt like I was being sent mixed signals and that I was under the impression that he no longer was interested and if that was the case for him to please let me know as it would make things a heck of a lot easier for the both of us. Well, it's now almost noon on Wednesday and no response. What is going on?? Wouldn't you assume you were being dumped by now??

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