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everyone hates me

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I have friends, or atleast I think I do. They have social gatherings all the time, but I'm never formally invited. I just want to be loved so much. I hear about everything they do all the time, but I'm never invited. When I say something about it, people say that I could have came. I know that, but... I wasn't formally invited. A lot of the time I don't even feel like going anywhere, but it's just that knowing I could have if I had wanted to is the most important thing. I know I should find new friends, but every time I find new ones the same thing happens. I feel so alone and empty and I don't have very much faith left in humanity. I'm so lost. I need a true friend, but I don't know where to look or what to do! HELP!

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Hi, Zoey.


In a way I understand how you feel. I never go someplace that I may not be wanted, and if I don't get an invite I assume that I am not wanted at that time or place. To add to this, I have chosen not to have many friends to begin with. I have chosen this because I am rather picky about who I call friend and if I lower that standard then I am setting myself up for disappointment. Even some of the people that I associate with are not really my friends. Thus, I do not receive alot of invitations.


On the plus side, I have decided that that is just me. There is nothing wrong with it in the least.


I urge you to not despair. True friends will make themselves known to you. It may take some time to find them but they are out there. Sometimes it's a risk to go looking for them but it can also bring you great happiness.


Hay, at the very least you know that I might have some idea as to how you feel. Maybe that is all it really takes...





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Thank u for having the courage to write in this forum. You'll defenitelly find friends here. Take one step at a time. Set a small goal first. Mention to a friend that u would like to be invited for the next party then show up and have fun. Most of the people who have many friends, have fun being themselves first, then people like them cause they look self-sufficient. And that is acttractive. Nobody hates u beautiful Zoe. They just dont know u yet. Good luck.

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