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should i delete the pics of my ex and i?

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ok so im wondering this. my ex and i have a myspace together.where all the memories of us are. we been broken up for a month and 25 days. when we first broke up i deleted the pics of us on facebook. then she deleted the pics of us on her facebook. i did it to heal not that i was playing games. well i still have the ones on myspace. and she still has the ones on her myspace. and of course there is our account. which also has the pics. so pretty much there is three accounts. mine hers and ours. a month after we broke up she texted me we started talking. feelings where running high so she would just argue. anyways. i asked her to delete our myspace because i couldnt do it. and if se could delet the photos of mine. she told me no because thats where our memories where. im not pinning over my ex. but i feel bad if i delete them. im sure by this time she forgot. so should i delete them when im ready? or should i just do it?

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If I were you I would save all the pictures of yourself and your ex on a portable HD, and store it away. These are memories, and IMO memories should never be thrown away regardless of the circumstances. Once you have all the pics on a HD, delete them off the internet, they don't need to be there and will only give you the feeling of false hope and love that actually isn't there.

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