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how to show love

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I think unless you are un-capable of loving people, then everyone shows how they love someone in their own special way. I know that was a problem with my ex, but eventually he realized that I did care about him and just showed my love in a different way then him. But I do think dumpedinshock has a point, she probably used that as an excuse. But if you did your best then that's all someone can ask of you. Don't be so hard on yourself.

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i suppose you shouldn't blame yourself , its either they lack the security in themselves to not see the love you had for them or as the previous poster said the attraction was gone on her side.


But you shouldn't take that as a bad thing, its mostly a reflection of themselves more then it is about you.... maybe the love they want doesn't exist , some people have unrealistic ideals of love and they can go from partner to partner and still feel unfulfilled. In the end whats more important is the love you have for yourself because that's what really matters in the end of the day

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Everyone is different. Some people only need to be told, other people need actions, a combination of both, whatever. She really needs to explain to you what her needs are for you to have any shot in hell at meeting them. It's unfair of her to complain about some deficiency she says you have and offer no suggestions about what it is she needs from you. Or you could read her mind, some women expect that and think it's fair and reasonable.

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pl3asehelp is onto something with that post. Do what you feel is right for the person/situation and, if the problem arises, ask them about it. Not only that, but explain your side of the story and outline the ways in which you show your love (in a modest way, of course). That's my advice, anyhow. Best of luck to you in the future.

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I was told by my ex that I didnt show her enough love ( loving)


What does it take to show someone you truly love them?


I thought I did my best but I guess it wasn't enough)



That's a good question, one of those Mars/Venus issues.


You can show a woman you love her by picking or sending her flowers, complimenting her in a sincere way, giving her personal gifts (no to toasters, yes to jewelry or lingerie), by spending time with her, by telling her how you feel, by taking her places just to show her off.


Pl3easehelp is right - she has to let her expectations be known or they'll never be met.


I told my ex I didn't feel he loved me when he ran personal ads. So he covered his trail better. Not good enough, but better. Was that a sign of love? I'm beginning to wonder. He has a cuckold paraphilia, so maybe.

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