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Just starting out... would love some advice.

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I'll be a senior in high school in the coming school year.


I went out of town on my own (she lives five hours away) to visit my very best friend last weekend. She had some people over to her house on the Saturday, and I noticed this one guy, who I'll call Mark. Everytime I glanced towards him, he'd glance too, and smile when he caught my eye, to which I would smile back. We did this all night, talking only a little bit because we were watching movies.


He went upstairs to get a drink, and my friend and her boyfriend also asked for drinks. While he was up there, my friend's mom asked if I'd asked for anything, and he responded immediately, saying "Do you think she'd want something? I'll get it, what would she want?" seemingly excited at the chance to get me a drink.


As he was leaving, he smiled and said it was nice to meet me, and later my friend's boyfriend texted her, asking if Mark could have my cell number. I thought he was cute, and so I let her give him the number.


The next day he was at church when I went with my friend's family, and the whole 'trading glances and smiles' business kept up throughout. We all hung out later, and it continued again. My friend's boyfriend is practically like Mark's brother, because they're so close, and told her that all Mark could talk about was me.


On my busride home he texted me the whole way back. The next two days he texted me all day and all night, and we began emailing each other as well. For a week we've been texting and emailing each other, and I really think he's an amazing guy, and he's sweet and he loves his family and friends and he's athletic and he plays guitar and he has strong faith and he's accepting and so sweet and I just can't imagine someone more amazing.


But I'm worried that I'm reading too much into this? I'm not really experienced in relationships, but he seems to be hinting that he would, someday, after getting to know me really well, get into a relationship with me. He'll say stuff like "I'm glad you gave me your cell number" or "You can talk to me about anything". He doesn't seem to rule out the idea of long-distance relationships because he's said that he wants to know a girl really well before dating her officially and stuff like that.


So first I'd like input on whether or not I'm reading too much into his texts and emails. And then, if you think that there's a possibility that I could get into a relationship with this guy, how long should I wait before bringing up the possibility of talking over a phone? See if it lasts a month first? Or should I wait for him to have the idea? Or should I wait until the next time I see him face to face (which would probably bee in about two months) and if we're still talking then, ask him in person?


Any advice you have, I'd love to hear it (:

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I agree with Captain Obvious.


You are putting a lot of thought into this. It doesn't have to be something that torments you, you know, it can actually be fun In fact it sounds like SO much fun! Exciting glances, hearing that he keeps talking about you, giving him your phone number... how exciting is all of that!!! I understand that you want to tread carefully and be sure and all of that, but remind yourself that this is not a dire matter, it's exciting and fresh and new and fun. No you are not reading too much into his signals, imo, but you are THINKING too much into everything When do you want to talk on the phone with him? He might be delighted if you say, "Can I give you a call sometime?" or "Hey, you should call me!" There's no rule book for how long to wait. Try to stop being so anxious and just be natural. Good luck!!!

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