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I don't know what to do

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I have a bf and he's 16 and I'm 13. I've heard people say that the only thing 16 year old wants is sex. But he's really protective. I've given him a hand job and he's fingered me, but we haven't gone all the way. I want to and I know he wants to, but I'm not on birth control pills and I won't be for at least a week. And I don't know if he just wants sex or actually likes me. I like him a lot, but I don't want to cause I can't tell if he's using me. Should I have sex with him or not?

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Hun you are only 13. If you aren't sure he really likes you for more than just sex, then its the wrong time to have sex. Wait awhile. Give it time. If he's a good guy he will understand. If he gives you a hard time about it, then you'll know all he wants is sex.


Please wait. There is so much more to life than just sex. You don't want to be 13 and pregnant and trying to figure out what you are going to do with your life.

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Agreed. Today is my one year anniversary for losing it. I wasn't 13, but I was still too young and now I so wish I hadn't done. It was completely with the wrong guy (which I did not realize at the time) and now I regret it sooo much! Please wait!

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No, don't do it you will regret it.


A long time ago when I was your age I met this high school boy(he was 16 too). He told me that he loved me and seemed so sweet. He really acted like he cared for me. I lost my virginity to him. BIG mistake. The next day at school I was getting funny looks from his friends and some of my own classmates. He had bragged to people at school. I was devastated and embarrassed. He turned out to be a jerk.


From then on I decided that I wouldn't repeat my mistake and I waited. I got dumped a few times because I wouldn't but that's okay. I ended up having some great boyfriends that I knew liked me for who I was.

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man, I see a lotof these types of posts where young ladies always ask this type of question "1'm 14 he's 18 blah, blah..."


He's probably "protective" to get your guard down. It does seem to be working as you did allow him to fingure you.


If he drops the "if you care about me you will...." then he want to tap a 13 year old that sicko



-9 times outta ten he wants the sex-

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Don't do it, I lost my virginity at the beginning of this year, I'm 19, and I regret it now. I've always prided myself on being a virgin, and lost it with the girl I thought I would spend my life with. Turns out she was using me for sex. Just wait and see how he reacts, if he cares he will understand and he will wait.

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i say try to find out if he likes you or not, maybe hold out for a little while without doing much with him and just see what he does. if you figure it out i say go for it dont just decide not to do it on the spot because a couple other people told you not to think of everything involved in the situation

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