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To be or not to be...that is the question


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Alissa (my online/offline gf) is one of those easy going types. She is very quiet at times, but other times she is very outgoing. I love her personality, she always makes me laugh. I try to make her laugh as well, but oh well She has always been there for me no matter what, and the same goes for me. She is more than just a another "person" to whom I talk to. She is really the only person who actually knows who I am. We have been talking for 4 yrs, and we still keep on talking. When I first met her it was during during the summer of 2000 or so. We met playing checkers in the msn gaming zone. Now at first, for reasons I know of now, she didn't open up to "strangers" online. I was lucky to even get a name. As time went on though, I got to know her more and more. I asked her friends about her and you can say I got the "3D" view of view. Now I have never really seen a picture of her at this point. Until she told me to goto the LHS website. To make a long story short, I thought she looked beautiful (although it was in 2 colors - blue and white.) From then on, we still talked. I still remember talking to her while I was in Chubbs Institute. It was always the highlight of my day However, something happened. During the spring of 2002, things crashed for me. She wanted a time-out/break up. It was horrible for me, but I got through it. Thats when I found Grace. Even though I was still together with another girl in real life, I still couldnd't get my mind off Alissa.


To tell you the truth through, Alissa is one of those rare and unique finds. While I was with her, she changed my life. I was always serious then as well. Probably thats why I am still _kind of_ serious. She changed all that though. Everyday I talk to her is another day I find out more about myself and who I really am. I even find out more about her surprisingly enough. We are back together though. From what it seems like, we will be together for a long time. In short, she changed my life and she is still doing so. I changed her life as well. Some people are afraid of change, I say who cares. Not all change is bad, but on the other hand some change can be bad. Later on, I understood why we had to do the "time-out." It wasn't because of anything I said, or she said...it was cause of school and how she needed to concentrate on her studies. I can't really say enough good things about her. Cause to me, everything she does is "good/wonderful." I know that might sound strange, but hey I'm weird anyway I love her though, I always have loved her. It just took me awhile to actually figure things out.


Now that situation that I'm worried about right is now is college. When we met 2 weeks ago it was the best experience of my life. We loved being together and she loves my company. We actually talked about being together for the rest of our lives.


Heres the little catch though. She said that maybe she will see other guys in college to make sure we are "right" together. Personally, I don't like the idea of her dating/seeing other guys though. If shes so in love with me, then why does she have to make sure? Is it cause she never really dated? I understand her reason for doing it, but I don't think I will ever get used to it or the the idea.


Please help.



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well some girls do play the field a little, although I have always followed the more traditional meathod of only dating one person at a time. If it makes you uncomfortable then simply tell her, and ask if there is something that you should be doing differently to make it more comfortable for her. in doing this it tells her that you are willing to do different things and if she does date other people it makes her more likely to choose you.


well, I hope this helps good luck.

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i think finally you should ask yourself again! what do you think about this? is it ok for that? for me, i cannt do this! i think dating more than one person at the same time is immoral!! if you think you are ok with it, would be fine because you are still very young! especially girl! when the are young they have more opportunities to fine a good lover who can loves and takes good care of her for her life......so you have to decide what you want to do! follow you heart !

good luck

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i find that most of the time it dose not work out don't let your self get into something that may not be all it's cracked up to be there are a millon lonely wemen out there some maybe closer then you think ' ok ok this is it just keep the feild open never fall in love with the computer

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