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Ok I know alot of the people iv seen here are older then me but please dont disregard my issuses because im of a younger age. Il be as brief as possiable.

About 4 months ago my girlfriend broke up with me after a 13 month relationship. I did everything I thought I should do because I was a mess. I prayed forever and never got a reaction from it. I tried dating others but that went horriable. So basically Im still madly in love with her (she is 16 Iam 17). She is however in a relationship with a kid out of town named Alex. They never get to see one another except a conversation here and there online. She says she doesnt love him and that me and one other guy who is absolutly not interested in her, were the only ones shes ever loved and my relationship with her lasted the longest. She has told me that she wants to be friends but I keep saying, "Its to hard for me to make that adjustment".

So 2 nights ago I snuck out of my house and went to hers. (AFTER NOT TALKING TO HER FOR ABOUT 2 MONTHS) We talked for awhile and laughed for hours. We danced in the rain and looked through old pictures. I asked her for some type of closure on the relationship yet she said she wouldent give it, so I asked her again and she said rather angry "Fine, its over" I know she said that just because thats what I wanted to hear and she still knows im in love with her.

Im suppose to see her tonight Im gonna sneak out and bring Ice Cream (I know she enjoys that type of thing).

PLEASE, PLEASE, Help me before I leave tonight. ANYONE. I just need advice and Id like to talk to you through AIM for faster form of chatting.


Thank You So Much


Yes I do want a relationship again. a bf/gf

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It sounds like you need to figure out if you want it to be over or not, why would you ask for closure and then ask her to go somewere again? normal when it is over you dont really want to see that person again and there is that awkward silence whenever you pass her in the hall. Answere this: Do you still want a relationship?

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This is a tricky situation in deed... I can understand how you can be confused one way or the other. But you have to remember that respecting her is the best way to handle things. It will be very easy to do or say things you may regret later if you don't remember to respect her wishes. If she still enjoys your company - and it seems like she does if she danced in the rain with you - then enjoy that and respect that she has her reasons for saying it's over. The best you can do is be the best you can be. Don't look for a miracle thing to say or do - just remember that if this 'Alex' dude doesn't keep her happy, she will always remember how you treated her - with respect. Respect means not forcing her to give you closure. Closure is over-rated. It's 'closed' when two people decide to move on. If you want to keep the doors open, then be her friend. No love can last without that anyway. It will be hard, I can tell you that, but occupy your time by dating other girls (not sleeping with them - just dating) - have fun, because you never know if this break up happened because there is someone better suited for you out there. And I suggest that you don't fall into the trap of depending on just her to make you happy. No one can do that but you. Sure you can let her know that you still love her, but finish off the sentence with "and I always will no matter what you choose to do". This will show her the maturity of your love, and will enable opportunities to spend wonderful times with her - even if it's just on a friendly level. Don't be doormat, just wait, love, be free and keep on looking. All my best... T.

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