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How can i know if a girl had an orgasm?

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im quite innocent about this, how can i actually know if a girl had orgasm or if she cums? Well i do know if a man had finish or if he had cum, but for women, im quite not sure. Does she also have this white sticky thing in her like in men? Well i ask this coz everytime he touch me he always ask me if i finish, and i always said yes, even though im not sure if i finish or not. I want to ask him about this but im shy , I dont like to pretend i finish even if i dont, so i really need ur help guys.

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Hi - that's a good question... and easily answered... a woman can get wet and slimy (not so much sticky) down there when she is turned on.. not necessarily only when she 'comes'. You will know when you come because of the intense feeling that comes with it - you get very sensitive down there and the lips are much larger. If you don't know if you did - then you didn't. But don't be discouraged, the good feelings that men have with an orgasm is not so necessary for a woman in order to enjoy herself. Don't get me wrong, and orgasm is awesome, but it's just less frequent for a girl, unless he really knows what he is doing. You will understand how it works better if you masterbate. It's healthy, so experiment alone before you make your boyfriend feel responsibile for something you don't quite understand yourself. Good luck

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I'm pretty sure that you will know. And if he has to ask if you're finished, I would guess that he's not too sure about it either. It's generally pretty obvious when a woman climaxes. The next time he asks you if you're done tell him to keep going. And yes, experimenting alone is a very safe way to A) get a feel for what you're looking for and B) figuring out what does and does not work for you.

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In my experience and I can't say its true for all women but the girls I've dated always got very tight in the abdominal area when they climaxed. Yes heavier breathing as well and usually when the orgasm is rather exhasberating they finish and want you to give them your organ

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here's what i know about it . my last grilfriend just befor she orgamed she would all ways get short of breath and start to shack . once i was behind her and she colapes to the floor and couldn't move for a bit . don't worry ladys i was there with her . but thats just me and what i know

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