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My ex told me last night that he doesn't want to talk to or see me anymore because he feels that he can't get over me if he continues to do so. He broke up with me, and we broke up about two months ago.


Up until tonight he's been really nice the whole time.


He had one of his friends IM me and say horribly mean things to me about how my ex doesn't want anything to do with me, etc. And my ex applauded him for being so cold.


I'm extremely baffled, this goes completely against my ex's character. Is there some underlying meaning to this other than him just being mean?

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I have to agree with above comments. A lot of exs turn mean sooner or later. It makes things much easier for them. Walking away from someone who you are mad at is a damn sight easier than having to walk away from someone you still like. So it might also be a self protective measure. The only thing I can tell you is let him be, don´t bother contacting him if he is just mean to you.


Then again seeing as it was a friend of his, are you totally sure he backed what his friend did or could it just have been that he tried to be "cool"? But either way. If he is mean to you, you should forget about him and try not to contact him. It is just not right to treat someone like that, even if you are not together anymore.


Maybe in a bit of time, he´ll realize that you were a nice person in the end and maybe he will treat you respectfully again. But for now I would just leave things where they are and not think too much about it. No matter what his reasons are, it´s just not right...

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somtimes for some of us, such things as remaining friends or contacting isnt the right thing, i know that i stayed in touch with my ex, i still do, but there was a stage where we had to be completely away from each other, the actual talking and meeting up was only prolonging the break up (despite not being together) and prolonging the hurt, he may feel that he needs to move away just so that he can over come his feelings and the only method that he feels he can act on well is being aggressive for you not to want to be around him, generally emotions can be mixed and shown in different forms to provide a mask,


this could be him saying, he generally needs to take a step back and not see you as much.


black magic

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