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Family dog moving in but I have allergies. Advice on how to cope/prepare?

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I have many allergies, especially to dogs. Our family beagle is moving in to my currently dog-free home. I've tried to brainstorm on the best way to plan for this event. I know once a pet moves in, even if it moves back out eventually, the hair and dander stays around for years. She's currently pretty spoiled so she won't be able to live in a dog house or anything outside. I plan to train her to stay in the screened-in patio whenever possible but she whines a lot. Any advice on making this a good place for her? When inside, she's used to being able to roam the house and sit on furniture. Well, not in mine! My thoughts are to buy some gates and keep her in the living room/kitchen area only, which is not carpeted. I'll buy her a nice big dog bed and I have a perfect spot for her, near the front door in the living room. Any advice on re-training her not to get on the furniture? I also plan to have someone bathe her frequently and brush her often. This sounds like it might work. Any other tips are greatly appreciated!

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I'm not sure about dog allergies but but I lived with a cat most of the early part of my life and didn't find out until much later that I was allergic to them. I'm assuming dogs can be worst because they have more hair? I'd definitely suggest limiting the area the dog is in but it might not end up being as bad as you think.

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Keep the dog out of your bedroom at all times and off your bed. Buy a slipcover or throw a blanket over the sofa. Pick one chair or loveseat or sofa that you lay or sit on and just tell her "no" when she tries to get on it. But do not strike or hit her. Use positive reinforcement. I would not advise you to keep her out on the patio for many reasons - whining, seperation anxiety, and the heat! Since the weather is getting nicer, I would advise you, yourself to spend more time outside and also to open the windows and air the house out. Also, some people are not allergic to dogs but the things they track in so make sure she gets a bath right before she comes.

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