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should i break up with him b/c of my net freind?

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i already have a bf but i find that i don't love him now , all my mind is my net friend , i always mention my net friend to my bf when we are dating ,which makes him so angry . but i just can't control myself , all my mind is my net friend and the chat of us . i have no feeling when my bf kiss me. but it has been 3 years since i was with him, it is not easy for me to break up with him easily . besides, i am not sure wether i love my net friend or not , i actually don't know him so well as we haven't meet before and i just know him by chat .

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If you don't mind me asking, do you mean that it has been three years since you have kissed your boyfriend or that you haven't seen him or been with him for three years? If that's true and you don't have any feelings, maybe you just need a little time apart to see what may happen. But make sure you know all about the net friend..most people who post on this site are okay, but there are some who are real weirdos! Hope I helped some.

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If I read that right, and your thinking of breaking up with your bf of 3 years over someone youve never met, I think thats a big mistake.

You can try to work things out with your bf and if that dosn't work the you can leave him. But don't leave him over the fact that you'd rather be with someone you hav't met.

Dave 8)

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i think you have that feeling for your net friend, is because you have been in a very long time relationship, seems the passion has been got...and when you meet your net friend just like you are falling love again,like living in the dream, you can find passion from him...or maybe : distance makes beauty...in my opinion you should give yourself a space, i mean dont talk to you net friend and not to meet your bf for a while , then see who you really care about!! after all, 3 years arent a short time! treasure your relationship....

good luck

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just don't hurry up deciding on this matter.. a guy loving his girl straight for three years is very rare now.. dumping him could even be the most stupid thing you could ever do.. net friends are rarely honest too.. i know that it's possible to be attracted with a person just by his words.. but it's just attraction not love.. you could only tell your true feelings when you meet personally.. your feeling of coldness with your bf does not necessarily mean you fall out of love already.. maybe you just need some time away to think over this matters.. tell this to your bf.. remember communication is a big factor in working with a relationship.. and it is still with regards to having problems like that.. ask for some space.. give yourself some time alone... try to ask yourself questions like.. could you really stand with out him by your side? can you see yourself with other guy? and when you're thinking over these.. think of not tomorrow, not next week, not next month.. but the years to come..

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