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I am so alone.........Help Me PEOPLE!!!

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Well here is the deal. I was with the firts guy i ever loved in 1998. i was his first love too. we were together for like 2 years. we just split up about 1 1/2 years ago. he wanted me back all the time. he always came to my mom and cried blah blah blah that kinda thing. but i was in love with somebody else. now he just barely quit trying to get back with me no less then 4 months ago. i finally realized that he is the one for me. he has been with this other girl for almost a year in august. well he says he stills loves me blah blah blah. he ever said he was trying to get the other girl out so that means that he is planning on getting back with me right? well i am pregnant with the other guys kid but he ever said that he wants to be my kids dad. so does this mean that he is serious or what? what should i do to get the other girl out and me back in? how could i make this whole thing go faster so that we can be together? he barely ever comes by now though, maybe once a week, he says he is always busy...... i dunno but i know he is cheating on the other girl because he stays the night with me sometime so i guess we will be back together... he says even if he does leave her that he isn't going to jump into anything...... my baby is due in october and i want him to be here with me again by then so that we can have the whole family thing going on. he said that he don;t want all the drama with the baby's daddy and i don't know what to do about that..... somebody please give me some advice.......

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi There,


God - you are in a mess honey. I can totally understand that you want to create a family for your baby, but I think that the first and most important thing is that your baby needs a strong Mom. I think that at the moment you are trying to hide your thoughts in the drama of relationships, instead of facing the reality of your pregnancy.


Take some time to find out a bit about yourself, away from all this love life stuff. Your children are going to be the most important thing you do with your life, believe me I know.


Find some people, your family or friends, where sex isn't a factor. If you get the support of those who love you unconditionally then it will be easier to work out the road ahead. Keep posting messages.

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