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I think he is my soulmate...don't know how to tell--help plz

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Well...ladies and gentlemen, I think I have found my soulmate, but I really don't know for sure. He has been my best friend since fourth grade (now we're seniors). He knows what I am thinking and feeling before I even say a word or even show an emotion, he can finish my sentences, and I usually can sense it when he is getting ready to call me. He loves to spend time with me...he calls a lot and he comes up occasionally, always invites me to church and to other things he attends. I know that I am absolutely crazy about him...but, as of now, it is nothing more than friends, and I made him aware of my feelings. He hasn't spoken with his "girlfriend" for almost two months, and it may be because he hasn't completely ended things with her. But I don't know for sure. Is he interested as more than a friend? Is he my soulmate?

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Well he knows about your feelings. I can't really tell you for sure if he is your soul mate or not or if he is interested. If knows how you feel time will tell. Did he stop talking to his "girlfriend" before or after you told him your feelings? If it is after, chances are that he saw something wonderful between you two and relizes he can be happy with you. It is going to take time and you will see whether or not he is your soul mate. To me the best relationship and the most meaningful is when there is a really close friendship. Well i wish you luck.

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Well...that's sorta what happened! See,his girlfriend is in a summer program at a college, and she can call him for free but if he calls her it's long distance. Well, no one ever told him how to get in touch with her and she never really made an attempt, and she got her family to go into his work and jump all over him for not calling when it really wasn't his fault. So I don't know. He doesn't mention her anymore, or any girls for that matter. So I'm not sure what that means. It just hurts so much not knowing...I just wish he would do something. Of course, he is horrible for procrastinating stuff. He really is a good guy though...he has never made a move on me or cheated on his girlfriend even though they kinda aren't together even though they are technically. Gosh I don't know...it's so confusing...sorry if I lost you. And thanks for your advice...

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Well I'm a guy and if a girl got her family to jump all over me for not calling and i had no idea had to get a hold of her...i'd be a little annoyed. Thats probally what he is feeling right now. Doesn't sound like he and this girl are close either. She could have called him instead of getting her family to jump on him. I know it hurts not knowing. It drives me crazy sometimes not knowing things. It does sound like this guy did lose intrest in this girl. I know i would if i was in his shoes. Like i said before give it time. After you told him your feelings did it affect the friendship or make it stronger? If it made the friendship stronger the chances are greater for a relationship. Just give it time and if he comes around the love will be strong between you two. good luck to you.

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Ever since I told him how I felt, we have been totally closer, and it seems like there is an added element, ya know? He calls more and comes around more, and like I said before, we don't ever talk about other guys or girls to eachother. Ya know? So I don't know. If something does happen, I think it will be in the next few days or weeks since school starts back on Monday and I'm thinking he will do something about his girlfriend and me before then or very shortly after...or I hope so, this dang suspense is driving me crazy! I'm just anxious. That's all. And I think it is pathetic that she is sending her family into his work, for Pete's sake, to jump all over him for not calling when he doesn't even know how to reach her. And it made him very angry...and I've been there for him through all of it. A lot of people say that best friends shouldn't date, but I don't see why not, especially in my case. I mean, we know practically everything about eachother and are interested in most of the same things. I know, you're probably thinking, "Well, why the heck is she asking for advice? This sounds perfect," but my main problem is the fact that he hasn't came out and said anything, and I don't know if it is because he doesn't know how he feels, is shy about it (although he is normally not shy about anything), or if he doesn't know how, or what. What do you think about that? Or does he even feel the same way? ARGH sorry I'm probably driving you nuts, but I appreciate all your help.

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you're not driving anyone nuts. Its normal to think about what you are thinking about. Well I think that it is a good sign that he comes around more and talks to you more since you told him your feelings. If it is over between him and this girl he needs to tell her. The problem is he doesn't know how to get a hold of her. That could be what is slowing him down too. Its better to officially end things before getting into another relationship. That would slow me down if i was in his shoes. Yeah i know that a lot of people say best friends shouldn't date. I dont' see anything wrong with that either. I believe that best friends should date. Its a friendship that matters the most in any relationship. I believe that strong friendships make strong relationships. It makes the relationship more meaningful and more loving. and knowing that the other person was always there and always will be there is a great comfort to have. I know the supense is crazy, I hate not knowing stuff. just hang in there, things will work for the best.

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Well, ask him how he feels!!!


You two seem very close, so push him a little, but do it in a good way. Don't box him in a corner, but don't back off.


One thing to keep in mind is this, a little push can help get the truth, but to much might destroy the friendship. Just play it by ear and see what happens, but be ready for both ends of it, good, and bad.


Good luck, and the best of wishes!!!

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