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I have been seeing my boyfriend on and off for about 3 years now and I live and hour and a half away. I intially lived with him for about a year and that went ok until he left me for my best friend. Then we didnt speak for a year. We got back together and about 4 months after that we broke up, didnt speak for 3 months, got back together and now we are on the verge of breaking up again. Its all very confusing. Now I am madly in love with this man and I know he loves me but he keeps changing his mind and continually breaks my heart.


Now hes at this stage in his life where he thinks its ok to ignore me and our relationship and he thinks that if he keeps doing that everything will be ok and problems will go away. He has recently told me he cant see me for a few weeks. He can't understand how that makes me feel angry and sad. He is under a lot of stress at the moment with his court cases coming up and he is fearful about facing jail; and he does get a bit funny when a court case comes up. He wont talk to me about anything. Not even what he did for that day. Normal simple things. He always seems angry when I speak to him on the phone, like he is mad at me. I dont understand him at all. But theres always something thats keeps bringing us back together. Even though he keeps tearing me apart I can't stay away. We have been through hell and back together and I cant live without him. Please help me, what should I do? Its so hard because I cant just see him whenever I want because he lives so far away. Please dont say break up with him because there has to be another way because we always seem to make through but this time im scared and confused. PLease help!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi jaderiseley,


Please don't think I'm being harsh here, but love should not be 'tearing you apart'. People who really love one another do their utmost to be kind and not hurt each other. It seems like this guy doesn't yet know what he truly wants.... either you, your best friend, or even a relationship.


I would never tell you break up with him, only you can decide to do that. I too was in a similar story. It tore me apart too... but I finally fought to let it go. We cannot make anybody love us or want to be with us....it has to come from them. A desire from their inner soul. I think you really need to look at your situation from an objective point of view. Ask yourself some questions. Is it making you happy? Do you really believe this guy ever cared for you? A man needs to know who and where he is, before he can offer a woman the love she deserves. Love yourself first...and the one who will love you just as much will come your way. Wish you luck...



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