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I am meeting my online friend in a month, any advice?


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I am new to this forum and was so relieved when I found a place where people don't criticize you for wanting to meet someone from the internet.

This is my first long term internet relationship, we have been talking for 3 years now and I'm really excited about meeting him, but also very nervous.

I haven't misled him at all, I have shown him current and realistic photos so that I'm not concerned about. It's just whether we have that chemisty.

He wants to meet me for coffee which I think is fine considering I like coffee and it's a good place to sit, relax and talk.

Has anyone got any advice?

Im travelling for a holiday to his country America and I am from Australia.

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Yay, this is so exciting!!

Have you guys had other contact (phone calls, video chat,...) besides an exchange of photos?

I had known my penpal (that I developed feelings for and he reciprocated) for over a year and a half before I met him. We had every possible form of contact (snail mail, e-mail, texting, phone call, exchange of pictures, videos, video chat, etc..), so I had a pretty good idea about who he was and how he would be to meet for real.

Still didn't take away the fact that I was a bit nervous to meet him because you never know if that chemistry is going to be there. But all that nervousness flew iright out the door from the moment I laid eyes on him. He was exactly the same as in our online convo, and the chemistry was definitely there


But I agree with Starrgrl....meet him in a public place first, go for coffee, let friends and family know where you are, etc.

And have fun!!

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It would normally be exciting but I've just broken up with him, so I won't be meeting him anymore

It really upset me that he didn't share the same excitement and interest in me coming there, he never would ask me what days I was going to be there or where I would be travelling to, nothing. I have a gut feeling he's hiding something like that he has another woman.

I mean we were really close, we talked for almost 5 hours every night and had talked on phone, web cams, IM. We always talked romantically and said 'i love you' every time we said good night, he could be really sweet and nice.

I just don't get it!

Do you find it weird he didn't want to know about me coming there? He did however mention meeting for coffee but it wasn't a set plan.

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In some ways, your story sounds a bit like mine. We also talked about meeting, he even promised me we would and told me it was going to be so much fun. But now he hasn't communicated with me in a month.


I think your guy is cruel when he shows no real interest in your coming, considering how much time you two spent talking and the long way you'd be travelling. If you're still able to communicate with him, definitely try to make him tell you why is he behaving this way, if nothing else so at least to give you some well-deserved explanation.

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You're all going to get so sick of me posting messages but I really need your advice.

Today he sent me a messaging saying that he can only offer me a coffee if we're both in the same place and then followed by saying he was 'sorry to disappoint me'. He said he has a lot on his plate at the moment and I DO feel sorry for him, I love him and his happiness means a lot to me, I just wished he felt the same about me.

Should I meet him for coffee if he does suggest it again or should I break up with him because you can obviously see he isn't serious about me, I'm making such an effort to come and see him but he can only offer me an hour of his time for coffee...

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You guys talked all the time for THREE YEARS. You're flying overseas to see him and he can't even offer more than a coffee date? Wow =( I know you love him but he obviously is playing you =/ probably has a gf but needs other girls to feed his ego... You're worth so much more than this. Stay broken up, find somebody who will cherish you so much you'll feel blessed everyday.

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Agreed with Starrgrl. You've invested 3 years in this guy, you're making a huge effort to go traveling to his country and "he has a lot on his plate", so he can only offer you coffee and he's not even excited about you coming to meet him? Please. You did the right thing by breaking up with him.


The guy should be jumping up and down about the news. He should be making plans to show you around, and have a good time with you.

That's what my guy did, anyway, when I said it was possible for us to meet.

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I really think I will regret it if I don't meet him and maybe meeting for coffee is a nice, casual, relaxed way to meet someone you have never seen face-to-face before?


I remember this one conversation we had about this a few weeks ago and he said that he didn't want any pressure, that I might not like him. He is self conscious about his appearance and says that I'm 'out of his league' all the time.


I can't be mad at him about this if we keep talking because I know that will make it akward and not change anything...you can't guilt someone into wanting to be with you lol, I just need to get over it and accept it's never going to be that way.


I've started to think that it's his loss, we could have had a really good time.

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He sent me a message a couple of days ago which I should reply to but I'm so mad and I don't even know how to be civil to him now


I kind of believe it's not his fault, I mean he has offered to meet me for coffee...I dont even understand WHY I am mad, has he done anything wrong?


It was ME who booked the plane ticket, not him. I really need to just go there for a holiday and a new experience, not having this relationship as the only reason.

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I really think I will regret it if I don't meet him and maybe meeting for coffee is a nice, casual, relaxed way to meet someone you have never seen face-to-face before?


I remember this one conversation we had about this a few weeks ago and he said that he didn't want any pressure, that I might not like him. He is self conscious about his appearance and says that I'm 'out of his league' all the time.


I can't be mad at him about this if we keep talking because I know that will make it akward and not change anything...you can't guilt someone into wanting to be with you lol, I just need to get over it and accept it's never going to be that way.


I've started to think that it's his loss, we could have had a really good time.


You are making excuses for him already. Don't.

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He sent me a message a couple of days ago which I should reply to but I'm so mad and I don't even know how to be civil to him now


I kind of believe it's not his fault, I mean he has offered to meet me for coffee...I dont even understand WHY I am mad, has he done anything wrong?


It was ME who booked the plane ticket, not him. I really need to just go there for a holiday and a new experience, not having this relationship as the only reason.


Since you already have the ticket, and he knows you're coming and all, then I would definitely meet him for coffee. I think you'd regret it if you don't, regardless of how cold he has been towards you.

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OP, I say go and just meet him. I can't guarantee the outcome but with online communications, it's difficult to truly grasp what a person's intentions are. The only way to find out is to see him in person. Since you are going to US anyway, you might as well just meet him, what have you got to lose?

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