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moving to fast

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I've been chatting and hanging out with a girl from work, and things seemed to start off pretty good. i asked her out and she said she didnt know and would think about it. later that week i went over her place to play some games with a bunch of her friends. during a game of man hunt we hid together, just me and her. i put my arm around her and pulled her close. within ten minits she had her pants undone and pulled down and i begain to finger her. we decided the hiding place we were at wasnt good enough and we moved to a more hidden space. once there i continued until the "hunters started walking toward us and we i stoped just in time for her to pull her pants and such up befor they found us. i didnt see her for almost a week and then saw her at a hockey srimage she was in, and she seemed to still be interested in me. now at work she does quite a job of showing that nothing has ever happoned between us and that we just know each other at work. its starting to confuse me ast to weather or not i should persue a relationship with her or just let it go. im gonna ask her if she wants to hang out tomarrow after work, but i would like to hear som advise if posible... thank you for reading and replieing if you do.

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Well the girl probably just got caught up in the moment of being stuck in a hole with you and, maybe now, regreats it. I agree that she probably just wanted a good time, try talking to her like you originally where but don't set you expectations too high or you'll get hurt from the fall. It wouldn't hurt to bring up the insident and ask why she let you do that to her, but I dunno. Good luck.

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wow...dat was pretty....wow lol. well you said that she does a good job of hiding the whole fact that anything has happened between you two but does she ever flirt with you? have things changed AT ALL since that happened? it does seem like all she wants is a little fun, and if you want that then persue it a little. even if its a relationship you want, you could, i think its good that you ask if she wants to hang, and bring up what happened, dont totally ignore it pretend it never happened. see how that "date" goes. let us know, i would love to hear what happened.

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thanx peeps. i 2 think she was just looking for a good time, and ive talked to her a little. she just said she "cant" go out. so i think it was just the things you said. but hey!, that means im still open... lol thank you again.

and at least she still acts like a friend.

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