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We are in NC - She is trying to get in with my friends.

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Quick summary:


-Went out with a girl for many years. We planned on getting married.

-She left me after "trying to work" on things for a few months

-I applied NC. She did not respond well to it, accused me of ignoring her, etc.


Now she is trying to contact my friends and hang out with them. These are people who have taken me in. given me keys to their house. Given me everything to help me through these.


She has gone out with them a few times to have fun, but otherwise only knows them through me.


I see this as manipulation. She can't stand the fact that I am moving on, and wants to hold onto things by spending time with my closest friends.


Any strategies for how to combat this? I do not want her to remain in contact with me. My friends can be with whoever they like, it is their choice. I'm just looking for advice. I have talked to them about how I feel.

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