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Gut Feelings Proven True

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Some of you may remember my last post about wondering if my guy was bi or not. Well, I guess I was right. I can't believe how quickly people can change their feelings for you. This guy worshipped me. Always dying to see me. Then the phone call out of nowhere from an "old friend" as he called it. Left to go visit him spur of the moment ... high-tailed it out of town saying that "he would try and email or call to see what I was up to"...not a word. Nothing. He gets home yesterday (I never asked what time he was expected in) and he didn't even call me. I have suddenly been replaced by some gay lover in PR. I sent him an email late last night and just said I hope his trip went well and that I had my speculations but thought that it would be the courteous thing to do to at least let me know what was going on on his end. No reply as of yet.


This just seems to cruel. Don't I at least deserve an explanation? I mean, we weren't a longterm serious relationship but we weren't just out on three dates either! I don't know what to do anymore. Pls. help!

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That is awful! Really mean, but you are better off out of it. Don't contact him and don't show him he has hurt you. If he offers an explanation good but don't go seeking one. He is not worth your pain if he doesn't even call you or let you know its over. At least you know what he's like though, chances are this guy will be replaced in the same way. Move on.


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That's terrible. I'm sorry...


I'm going through the same thing right now being that my soon-to-be-ex-bf left town with a gay man on a vacation my soon-to-be-ex and I planned to take this week. I found out the day before we were to leave he decided to take the gay man on vacation instead of me... and I was supposed to be supportive when my soon-to-be-ex said "It'll be like old times."


I haven't heard from my bf since noon Saturday and I have no idea where they went. I've decided when my soon-to-be-ex does finally call I'm going to tell him we're over and something along the lines to not expect a very warm welcome when he gets back.


Sorry to hear about what you're going through hon! I hope I had something encouraging to say but I think you're better off without someone who would just ditch you on a minutes notice and not contact you to let you know they were safe and where they even were for so long.


That's just my two cents.

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