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wut do girls prefer?

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Thats what i hate most girls only like the big old "imma super strong moron type guy" not meaning all.Whats wrong with me i mean ya im 6 ft and only 130 pounds but im just tall and lanky and thats my families heritage from my families british side.So what if im scrawny whats so bad about that theres a lot of nice guys in these bodies but u dont like us u always the big old super strong guys which i notice about women.How bout we start a "what do guys prefer" post where i talk in a shallow way saying things like i like a skinny super model type women.When there r barely any of those girls.I can say dumb things like i want a girl with "big breasts" like shallow jerks say.We cant make what we dont have i can try to eat and eat and work out.But thta probably wouldnt do anything cause i have such a high metabolism and it just takes all that food and tears it away right away.Isnt there any girls that like tall and lanky guys or are most shallow?Cause i dont see many women with a lanky guy or anything just another thing that makes me mad.

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Shinobie, you're 17 years old, and your body still has a lot of changes its going to make. You may always be lean (and feel lucky to have a high metabolism!), but I guarantee you will fill out some. Maybe you don't care either way, but I'm just pointing out a probable fact. Anyway, the poster asked us our preference of two distinct choices, and we answered honestly. If the question had been more general like "What type of body do you prefer", the answers might have been different. Please don't take it so personally.

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lol shinobie. I've been working out for many years, and i got a nice toned up body. But women don't flock to me (although the girls I do see like my body). Don't think all girls like strong guys, cause they don't. My ex seemed to like big muscular people, but the majority of girls prefer toned guys, not huge guys.


Why wouldn't a girl like a guy with a nice toned body. Wouldnt u prefer a toned girl with nice size breasts? Or don't u mind going out with someone is considerably over weight or very skinny? If you are self conscious about being tall and "lanky", perhaps u should consider eating more and becoming more sporty?

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Well, I've always had a rather generous behind, and I've come to love it! Self-love/self-acceptance will ALWAYS be an attractive trait, and we would all do well to learn some.


I wouldnt worry, theres people like myself out ther who love a girl with a bigger butt , has to be fairly firm though . I can't stand skinny butts.

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To tell you the truth I prefer tall lanky guys that make me laugh. I'm not big on the whole muscle thing. I mean it doesn't matter if they have them as long as I feel safe and comfortable when I'm with them. Although appearance is somewhat important without a good personality looks mean nothing.



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I have also hear many times that girls like more "normal" guys, instead of muscle guys. Well, some girls tell me how much they love my muscles. Other girls can tell me that they don´t like muscle guys, but still they come after me.....Hmm....


I think that when you are a muscle guy some girls are attracted to you just because of the muscles. However, you almost always get ATTENTION from girls and it´s up to you how to conduct yourself...

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