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How to loose weight - reply here

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Ok, I've seen a lot of topics about wanting to loose weight and everything, so I'm going to summarise a couple of things...please feel free to add your own stuff.



First lets go with a diet.


Here is what you don't want to eat:


Soda, or any sugar drinks

Chips, you can still eat baked chips

Bread is good for you, just don't have it every day

Law loff the milk, find calcium somewhere else

Don't eat too much sugar, and fruits have a lot of it

don't eat any type of cheese

stay away from fried food

Don't eat anything that has more than one gram of saturated fat per serving

Thats about all the bad things I can think off...


Here are some things you can eat...


nuts, if you buy mix nuts they have calcium plus othe good vitamins and minerals, don't eat more that one or two teaspoons a day.


pancakes are really good for you, the come with a lot of calcium and protein, when you crack the eggs make sure you take away the yellow yolk out, you don't want to eat it. And use water, or low low fat milk.


There are tons of things you can eat that are healthy, just look in your fridge and wip something up.



remember that exercise is more than twice as affective as the diet, and also it has its benifits...

No matter how much you weight, there is no excuse to get your heart pumping, if you can't go to the gym than walk or run around a park or around the block, keep your heart pumping. The best way to loose weight is to raise your heart rate by 100% and to do that you need to challenge your body, run as fast as you can, walk, job, swim, etc. anything that make your heart pump even faster, the harder you work your body the better results you will gain. Keep at it no matter what, you will see results as you go, they won't show up instantly, while your at it you might want to workout some muscles, will your chunky its easyer to gain muscle, thats a tip for all you skinny people, get chunky then hit the weights and eat a lot of protein.

For the cardio I just mension try to do it 3 times a week for about 20-30 minutes, if you are really dedicated you can workout even harder.

Just to warn you right now, if you loose weight too fast you will have a lot of loose skin, if you take it slow your body will tighten up the loose skin as you go, and run a lot of lotion with vitamin E on your stretch marks every day.


remember to warm up before doing cardio, when you warm up do some stretches and basic exersices, if you do you will get better results....because you body will start burning some carbs before it actually starts to go into the fat, if you warm up for lets say 10-20 minutes, byt the time you are doind intense cardio you will only be burning the fat, and you can watch the pounds melt right off you.


at this rate you will be loosing about 5 pounds a week...remember that it get harder to loose weight further on, so try diffrent types of cardio...


if you are dedicated you can loose 50-80 pounds in one year, and after you do the worst thing you want is to gain it back, so keep doing your exersices.



Also for those that don't like to eat...

here is something for you, at first you will loose weight, but then when you start to eat back again your body will store a lot of fat, and you will end up fater than what you started with, and with the lack of food, your body metabolism will not burn the calories as fast as it did back then, and it the long run your body will end up gaining a lot of weight, and also your body will start to break down the musles, and you will become a lot weaker. remember to keep a healthy body, it is recommended to buy some multi-vitamins, they cost about $15 and they can last you about 3 months, and always eat something before you take your tablet.


Thats about it, just keep at it, and trust me, you will see results.

Anyone can add-on to this.

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ok well as far as the diet goes you can have carbs everyday. my general rule is you can have carbs everyday just not after 7 pm or so other wise your body cant burn them befor you go to sleep. a common misconception is no carbs ever is a good thing but it isnt. you need carbs. also drink lots of water through out the day. chicken turkey and fish are good doos to eat. be careful preparing meals not to have a boat load of carbs ex/pizza pasta and a baked potato. but basically no carbs after 7:00 helps alot


fAr FrOm PeRfEcT

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In addition to theghost's original post i just thought id list a few exercises which provide good cardio exercise and are good at burning fat:


- Rowing machine

- Cross-trainer

- Air-stepper

- Cycling (exercise bike)

- Running (or treadmill)

- Walking

- Aerobic classes (usually found at local gym)

- Sports matches (i find basketball is especially good)

- Martial arts


Please add to them!


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