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My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 months now and been sexually active for 2.

The thing is, more then once now hes lost his erection just before weve started ot have sex, im scared this is because of me, even tho were told it isnt, i wnat to know what you guys think it could be.

is it me?

what are reasons for loosin it then?

Hes the one whos mostly up for it, although i am aswell, hes usualy the one who starts the foreplay but then im just as into it.

whats wrong?

were both early 20's and lost our virginity to each other.

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I'm a guy and it has happened to me. I'm not ashamed of it. In my case, it is a mental thing. Sometimes a girl is so atttractive to me that shortly after beginning, I lose my erection. It hasn't happened a lot, but after getting a second try, I relax and everything is "hard as a rock." Maybe you should ask your boyfriend to just relax a little a enjoy the moment. It just might do the trick.

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well this has also happened to me, (am a guy btw)

this little mis hap does not have anything to do with you, what i found ou is its kinda to do with your surrondings lol, i dont usualy lose a eraction but when me and a m8 were getting close we were both really randy n it was mid november n we was ona park so we decided to have ago at sex i look back now and realise it was stupid , buta m glad i lost my erction, thats another story, but at the end of the day its not your fault it can depend on alot of things, surrondings eg inside or outside, hot or cold, stressed out or whateva, just get him to relax

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