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I dont know how much more I can take of this being alone in the world. My only friend (best friend) now doesnt even seem to care how I feel. Everyone here thinks I am being selfish because I wont let his girl friend control his life. If you want more insight on what I am talking about you can look back in my post history for a better idea and to also call me selfish if you want.


It just seems my life will never get better and everytime I have something good going for me it all falls apart. I now am about to lose my only friend that I have known for over 10 years to a girl that he's been dating for 8 months because he's affraid to lose her even though in my eyes she doesnt deserve him in the first place. But everyone just thinks I am selfish and just want to make myself happy. I really dont care that he's dating this girl, but I just wish that she would like him for who he is and not change him so much. If anything I think she's the selfish one, he once tried to explain to her about how he enjoys smoking weed when he's with me or other friends and that he feels left out when everyone else is having a good time and he's not. But all she did was cry and make him feel guilty so finally he gave in and decided to quit. Which basically made me have to quit since he was the only friend I have that I smoke up with. I dont want to do it alone thats just no fun. I did it because it made me happy, not to fit in which is obvious since I only have one friend soon to be none. She's like turned him against me without him even knowing it, he makes excuses now all the time to get out of plans that we made to be with her.


Like I said no one see's it the way I do they just think I am selfish, maybe I am. Maybe I am just not ment to be here because it seems no matter what I do I seem to always fail. Maybe everyone would be better off if I just died. Ya maybe my family would be sad for awhile but they'd eventually move on but I wouldnt be truly missed by anyone since I have never had a real close relationship with anyone. It even seems on here I cant even get any of the support I am looking for, I look at other people's posts and they get tons of replies and advice but all I get is told that I am wrong and selfish. Their probably right but I dont think I can go on being completely alone

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Like I said no one cares, not a single reply yet. Oh and just to let you guys know my friend again has blown me off no surprise there. His excuse this time is that his gf didnt know we had plans to do anything even though we made these plans to go see a movie 3 or 4 days ago. See this is what I mean I'm jsut totally fed up with all the excuses I get. I guess the +10 years I've known him mean nothing to him cause he obviously doesnt seem to care how I feel, or anyone for that matter.

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Check it out homie...I feel your pain bout being alone. It sucks! I just separated from a girl that I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with.


What you should do is stop trying to control your boys relationship. If he is the same age as you it is likely that he doesn't know exactly what he wants. Once this girl loses her shine and he becomes bored...he'll be over it. He's got to make mistakes and learn for himself. Anything you say right now is going in one ear and out the other. If this guy is your best friend you should understand that and be there no matter what happens. Believe me, I know...sometimes your friends are all you got. It would be silly to let a Bi#*@ ruin that. Continue to be his friend but don't try to run his life, tell him how you feel and if he respects you he'll take your advice.


Now as far as yourself,


Ask yourself what you want to accomplish, is it just getting high with your buddy or do you have aspirations? Get out for a change, go make new friends...I am sure you can find someone to kick it with...maybe even a chick of your own that likes to burn one every once and a while...Find a focus, keep your eyes on it and if anything comes inbetween you and your focus...F_#* em'. You got one life man...don't waste time stressing over other peoples drama, handle YOUR business and you won't ever have any regrets.



Holla back if you want to chat...



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Actually he's 2 years younger then me and yah it's his first real relationship and hers. I have never really had a serious relationship just because I am mature enough to not let someone make decissions for me, if I want to change something about myself i'll do it on my own no one can force me to change. Also I have in no way been making decissions or forcing my friend to do anything, all I have done is tried to tell him how I feel and how I see the situation. But as you said it goes in one ear and out the other and this is what makes me angry, I thought +10 years of knowing eachother would have some impact but it just seems like he could care less about what I have to say. She has some real control over him, the crying is her secret weapon he's a sucker for a damzel in destress.


Also I do want to stay friends with him but the way things are going I feel like he doesnt even care about our friendship anymore, he always blows off plans that we make like a week or a few days in advance. Like the day we plan to do something he usually is hanging out with her and then he'll call me up or msg me on msn and ask me if we can do it another day cause she made plans for them that he didnt know till now. I dont buy that because if he truly even cared about our plans he would let her know the day we made our plans so she would know that we already planned to do something. Why are most chicks such control freaks! Why cant they just let us guys have fun and still be happy, why do they have to have them all to themselves?!? I know not all chicks are like this but usually the ones that arent very mature or havent been in many relationships tend to be this way.

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Just curious...are you gay Blayzed? Sounds like you really like your bestfriend, like...maybe as more than a best friend and you just want to hang on to him. Maybe lay off the weed. It just messes you up. I know some REAL messed up people from that. It gets you no where. Once in a while, I'm down with....but not on a daily basis. I agree with RAUL though, you need to find some new friends, get out....do things for yourself, don't revolve your life around your one friend. Maybe get a girl, we're not ALL control freaks, besides...you have to see beyond that and give us a chance!

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hey sorry to hear about you troubles. but, i can at least let you know your problem is pretty universal. ive dealt with more than one friend that ditches me for his girl. yeah, it hurts, but i know that when youre in a relationship with a girl, things change a little. it doesnt mean he doesnt care about you or your friendship with him, he's just trying his best to juggle girlfriend and friend. believe me, ive been there. it sucks, but you'll see, once you find someone, you'll know what he's goin through. but, if hes just blowing you off a whole bunch, then i agree, move on and find some better friends. you dont have to put up with it. you'll see, when he loses her, you'll be the first person he comes crawlin back to. just try and keep your head up, things will get better in time. and no, i do not think you're selfish. take care man

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Hey JuJu, I dont appreciate the accusations especially when you have no idea what I have gone through in my life. To post something like that on one of my posts where I feel I need some support is just plain rude, keep your comments to yourself.


I dont see how me not wanting to see my best friend (only friend) get hurt and missing the good times that we've had make me gay. I just have a hard time trusting people and it took me a very long to trust him and now I feel like I left myself vulnerable because I now question our friendship.

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Hey Blayzed, I'm sorry if my comments offended you. I wasn't making an accusation, I just asked. And like you said, he's your only friend....make new friends. It's what people do, you don't have to lose him but you don't have to have only h im as a friend. There ARE other options.

Once again, sorry if I offended you...and you're right, I don't know what you have gone through, or why you have a problem trusting people. You can trust other people though. Not everyone is bad. And I understand that you don't want to see this girl of his hurt him, but sometimes...people get hurt. It's just what happens, that how people learn and grow.

Well anyways, I guess that's enough from me...sorry if I've bothered you.

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