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Fallen in love with a girl in Germany, known her 1 day :(

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I met this girl, who I only spent one day with her, but, got the chance to get to know her abit during that day...


We went to a nice romantic spot, with friends, had a nice dinner, and went to the club...


Heres the thing... I think i have fallen in love with her... It only took one day.... I must be realistic.... I am leaving back home in 4 days... and i might get a chance to see her the day before i leave...


I want to tell her how i feel, tell her, i want to get to know her.... I would love to send her a ticket and come to Australia, just so i can show her something different....


I really care for her... But i am wondering, from people with or similar experiance... maybe trie to motivate me aswell...


Should, i tell her how i feel... ( I might not be able to talk to her, cause she will be working.... if i can catch her during a break that will be good....( If not i will write a letter as backup)....


I would like to get to know her more before (if) we advance our relationship....


Do i tell her how i feel, or do i get on that planee and forget...



Please help!!

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A few years ago, I went to Florida with my friends and while we were there, we met some really hot guys vacationing from Scotland. Now I thought they were cutea nd fun to talk to, but I didn't think about it seriously. However, this one guy, John, really fell hard for my friend Amber, and professed his undying love for her. He sent her lots of letters, mix tapes, photos, poems, etc., and I think she wrote back a few times, but I think that while she would have definitely dated him had he lived nearby, she just knew that it wasn't practical and sort of ignored the letters after a while. My advice would be to tell her that you had a fantastic time meeting her and you would love to have her e-mail address to exchange letters with her. Maybe someday she can come visit you or you can return to Germany, but I think professing your love for her may freak her out, so I would just keep it simple, and don't expect too much. Sorry I couldn't be more optimistic, but I'm just going off of what I have learned from experience.

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Good thinking....


I dont want to lose any chance with this girl...


Good thing is were both single...


I really feel she's the one, and if i have to put in good effort for her, and even pay for here ticket, and show her a night in Sydney she will never forget...


Then its all worth it...


Unfortuently, i cant get in her head to know what shes thinking, but i will give it my best shot of getting to know her first....


Any 1, who would like to share the comments

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Hi Useless,



The problem is, I was in the same boat a few years back. However I chose the option of making that call and inviting her back to the place where we fell in love. The problem is...it turned out to be one of the most painful long distance relationships ever, something I still hurt from today (over a year since we parted).


In retrospect, I have lost her as a friend too. My advice to you, keep in touch with her, but that is it. There are things you don't know about her. Things that might hurt you should you choose to pursue this.


Also, grow up. Don't pay for a ticket for her to come to visit you down under. It takes two to tango and if she is really interested, she will recommend it.

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okay maybe coming out of the batting cage and saying, i have fallen in love after 1 day is pretty strong...


But there was something about this girl, i never expected to feel by the end of the night...


hopefully seeing her 2morrow, day before i leave...


More tips please, havint got much time....

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I'm with parisian_pink on this one, if I had known a guy for only a day and suddenly he was professing his love for me I'd be pretty freaked out as well. Just enjoy the short time you have left with her and leave it at that, even if you did buy her a ticket for Sydney eventually she would have to go back to Germany, and such a long distance relationship would probably fail. I know it might sound lame, but perhaps you guys could become penpals or something?

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