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Fingering my gf

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Hi. I have jus started to finger my gf lately and is my first time doing it. We are both virgins. Well. I was rubbing her clit the other day and she liked it. But when i went to do it again yesterday she said it was sore. Is that supposed to happen? please excuse my ignorence, i was jus wandering. Thnx

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when you go into it and all don't head directly for her clit. slowly maove your hand over her vaginal region while she still has pants on, this will warm her up. take it slow. at first penitrate with one finger. then move on to two, or you could stay with one and lightly, i mean lightly rube her clit. to some women there clit is highly sensitive and the soreness could be due to to much pressure.. what i'm getting at is that there are other areas besides the clit.. g spot, below it (i forget the name but it is sometimes equaly as pleasurable) labial folds.. so on. good luck, sorry for my spelling.



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As the recipient of many fingerings, I can tell you that getting sore is not uncommon at all. It usually means that there isn't enough wetness to help glide the finger along over our delicate clits. My suggestion is to invest in some lubricant, like Astroglide or Wett or something. Put a bunch of it on your finger or on her vagina, and keep adding more lube as you go along. It keeps us ladies from getting friction soreness and it makes us feel all sorts of nice sensations!


Another reason she may be sore is that direct pressure on her clit is too much to take. That's very common indded. Try rubbing right around the clit for a while (using lube, of course), and instead of touching the very center of the clit for too long, rub around it (but very close it it) in a circular motion.


If you are entering her vagina with a finger, make sure you''ve done a lot of kissing, hugging, and foreplay before you do it. If she's not as turned on as she could be, then the vagina will not be relaxed or wet and that can make her sore. Also, use lubricant when going in her with a finger as the opening to the vagina can get really, really, sore of there is repeated finger pressure w/out lubrication.

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