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For guys ages 17 - 22...

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The reason I'm asking guys in this age range is because I have my eye on this one guy and I have no idea how old he is.


Ok, say you were at the grocery store, or at church...how would you most like to be approached by a girl (and would you be bothered if you were approached there?)? What would you want them to say to you? And do you think just having her walk up to you and be like, "Hey, how are you? My name is..." is awkward? Or is that a good start? Please let me know...I have 3 days before I talk to him [and I'm freaking out]. ](*,)




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say "Umm excuse me, I know this is a terrible first impression, But i just wanted to know being the curious person i am and all, whats your age"


when he tells you follow it up with.


"That was my first guess"


"can i ask you another question"


He's going to say sure (because he is now the curious one who wants to know what the next question is going to be)


say "whats your name"


He says my name is *mike*


Say "oh now i know to many mikes (thats if his name is a popular name like john, chris, brian, erik, etc..."


If that works out you can add in "but your bar far teh cutest one" (bring your A game with you sometimes called CONFIDENCE


putting your foot in the door, and breaking the ice quickly with this method, is going to create a atmosphere for him to return the questions, unless you answer them for him, like your name, your age...etc. Thus leading into a conversation, just make sure is a place (like you said Church) that your going to be able to get him aside, unlike his work, and have the TIME to strike up a conversation, YOU should be the one to end the conversation, it makes the other person come BACK to you, just say "well it was nice meeting you (his name) see you next week" if the church thing in weekly, well thats my advice, Hope i helped.

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make sure you two are alone, I had some girls come and approach me and I rejected them because the timing was wrong, make sure you have your privacy.


Also after you two talk....ask him out for lunch.

say something "I'm hungry, you want to get something to eat?"

then if he says yes then go some place near by, if he say no, than say

"ok, it was nice talking to you, I'll see you around"



this is a little dirty trick that my ex used on me, and it worked..

At lunch be prepare to pay for your food, when you are about to pay for it make sure he sees you paying for it, and that he is within 5 feet from you.

Take your money out, and go really slow...take out dollar by dollar out....then that will give him time to think, and if he is a gentleman he will offer to pay for your food, thats when you know he is interested in you.



Good luck, and be prepare for anything, like if he gots not money with him, offer to pay for lunch, and tell him that next time is his turn to pay for it


Good luck again.

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It would probably weird for a girl to be approached but random guys.


But if a girl approached me that was interested... man that is HOT


I wouldn't mind at all.


Come up and talk to me anytime



just to make a point...both of my ex's came up to me, and I assurely said yes. So the chances of you hooking up with this guy are pretty high, just try to look sexy for him, don't be afraid to show a little leg, its summer anyways

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It would probably weird for a girl to be approached but random guys.


But if a girl approached me that was interested... man that is HOT


I wouldn't mind at all.


Come up and talk to me anytime



just to make a point...both of my ex's came up to me, and I assurely said yes. So the chances of you hooking up with this guy are pretty high, just try to look sexy for him, don't be afraid to show a little leg, its summer anyways


Oooh, that's cool Thanks, I'll try


And thank you all for your advice...we'll see how it goes! If I manage to talk to him then I'll let you all know how it went.

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Perhaps establish eye contact first, then go up to him and speak. To be honst, it doesn't really matter that much what you say, just so long as it ends up wit you asking him out or whatever you want to achieve.

However, your 15, and he might be like 22, and if I was a 22 year old I would turn a 15 year old down, just by principles. If you were 16 it would be more OK, seeing as your not underaged etc, but 15 is a bit dodgy for an adult, and his mates will probably think hes weird. Good luck though.

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Perhaps establish eye contact first, then go up to him and speak. To be honst, it doesn't really matter that much what you say, just so long as it ends up wit you asking him out or whatever you want to achieve.

However, your 15, and he might be like 22, and if I was a 22 year old I would turn a 15 year old down, just by principles. If you were 16 it would be more OK, seeing as your not underaged etc, but 15 is a bit dodgy for an adult, and his mates will probably think hes weird. Good luck though.


That's kind of what I was thinking too...I think anything over 19 is out of the question (until I turn 16) but, my birthday is in a few months so until then, if he IS over 19, we could establish a friendship, right? It's not illegal for that I hope...

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