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Surprises for my GF


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So after the last post in my last thread


it got me thinking that I don't really show my GF how much I do care about her and love her. I tell her but don't really show her.


So I wanted to know peoples ideas on little surprises for her, not all the time but more spontaneous little surprises I could give her.


I don't have a lot of money nor believe that buying my way into a girls heart is in any way a good thing but I do want to show her ever now and again how much I do love her.


Shes not much of a romantic but anything funny, sentimental or will put a bit of a smile on her face will work.


So lets see what everyone can come up with

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Write love notes on the steamy mirror so she sees it after a shower.


Buy her a single flower - a rose, gerber daisy, etc - $2 tops


Pack her a lunch to take to work


Cook her favourite dinner


...and maybe chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert


Give her a foot rub


Offer to walk her dogs, wash the dishes, scoop the kitty litter, whatever


If she says "I have a headache" jump at the chance to offer a glass of water and some painkillers


Make the bed if you don't usually -- even if it's her bed and you're staying over for the night.

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