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Anyone Live In Alberta


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I visited Alberta in July last summer. I went to the Stampede on that awful Tuesday where the weather was so bad, the races had to be canceled. Then I came back on the Thursday. I cruised around and visited Banff, Lake Louise and even journeyed out to Drumheller. I loved it.


Does anyone live out there? What's it like? I'm considering moving. Not now. But maybe next year. Am curious.

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I do. I've only lived here for 2 years, but I like it so far. Calgary and Banff are really, really nice. I love anywhere around Lake Louise or Canmore, it's so pretty! I would love to live there. I don't really enjoy where I live now, but it'll do. I think it's quite expensive to live near Banff, though but I could be wrong.

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I have lived in Alberta all my life. Grew up in Lethbridge and am now in Calgary. I really enjoy the province with the praries and the mountains. Lots of things to do and explore, plus one of the lowest unemployment rates and lowest taxes in Canada. Winter can suck but we get chinooks in the south which warm things ups nicely.


I was at Stampede on Thursday last year too. I am sure I didn't see you though haha

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Only if you're high income. Income taxes are actually higher than other provinces for low income people.


No GST helps though.


I don't agree with that taxes are higher for low-income (not saying you're not right though; references would help the OP)...lived in Edmonton since I was 4 - I'm now 30 and still here. Have started off poor living here and now doing pretty good for myself.

Pretty sure you mean PST; offhand Alberta is the only province (worth living PST/HST. The territories might be PST free as well.


What questions do you have specifically? Where would you be coming from, so we have some contrast?

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Alberta doesn't have a progressive tax. It's 10% on all income, regardless of whether you make $10,000 or 500,000.


Let's say you make $30,000 per year. In Ontario, you'll pay 5.05% in income tax. In B.C. you'll pay 5.06%, etc. Only in Manitoba and Saskatchewan would you pay higher than 10%.


Yes, I did mean PST, sorry. Alberta has GST but not PST. Thanks for the correction!

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  • 1 month later...

I lived there a few times in my life, and I liked it.


Personally, I liked living in Edmonton the best, although I was a kid so that maybe doesn't count.


I lived in Lethbridge right out of highschool for a while, and I didn't really like it. It's a VERY nice city compared to most, but I'd just moved from a place that I'd liked a whole lot better, so that probably didn't work in the city's favour. I went to school there and found that I had a bit of a hard time encountering people who weren't partiers, even adults. But like I said, my experience was very limited. It was super fun, just not my thing!


I've had lots of friends and family in Calgary and none of them seem to like it more than the next place. It sort of strikes me personally as an awesome place to visit, but not to live... from what I hear things are much more expensive, property taxes are through the roof, and people could definitely be friendlier. But there is tons of cool stuff to do, so that's a bonus!


Most people I know who LOVE Alberta live just outside of Calgary, in places like High River and Vulcan, or up in Edmonton.


But not to bash Alberta! I love all of western Canada. It just depends on what kind of lifestyle you're hoping for - WHAT did you like about Calgary? What would you hope to do in Alberta?


I'm a huge fan of Saskatchewan, myself. XD

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  • 1 month later...

I was born in Canmore and lived there till I was 13, then lived in Toronto for a few years, then back to Calgary for about 4 years. I definitely liked Alberta, more than Ontario. I really miss it sometimes now! Very cold winters though, but also lots to do, especially if you like to ski!

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