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Excited about V-Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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R and I are going to spend our first V-Day together and I am so very excited. We are working toward reconciliation; so technically we are not together yet. We are dating, if you define dating as the path to an exclusive relationship. I am up early this morning (like usual); however, R is still sound asleep (since he hates waking up early in the morning). So basically I am just sitting here waiting for R (the sleepyhead) to wake up. I still have to wait an hour or two until we can meet up with each other due to the fact that we live so far apart from each other. I got him a card for V-Day and I will surprise him with it (I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he sees me and the card). I have always been able to express myself better in words than anything else. Plus I don't think it is appropriate for me to buy him a gift since I am not his girlfriend yet. I just want him to wake up and head out here. Oh wellz, I guess I just have to be patient and do something else while I wait.

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