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When i look at pictures, models seem to have square pecs, but mine arn't. How do i make them square? I was thinking about that whole muscle size = high weight, and shaping = low weight, but will doing loads of low weight things make my pecs square? Whats the best way?

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pushups....if you can do more than 15 pushups then you need to use a CHESS PRESS...


or if you don't have access to a chess press, then put some weights(or something that weights a lot) and do pushups, make sure your body maxes out at 8 pushups


This is a long process, it can take up to a year, don't do these every day tho...


Do about 3-4 sets of pushups, and make sure your body maxes out at 8 pushups, then repeat this 3-4 times...with 30-90 second breaks..

Do these 3 times a week, if you do them to often your body gets used to them and its harder to get results.


Keep at it, even tho you won't see results in 3-4 months just keep doing it, then after a year you are going to love your pecs...

This also works for any other part of you body...


Good luck!

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