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What should somebody do to get a date?


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gosh how old are you?


first strike up a conversation. If they walk away they are not interested. If they ignore you not interested. Play on cell or something not paying attantion to you not interested. if they are interested get to know them. remember its about them not you. listen to what they got to say. ask questions based on what they are sayting. then you can say lets go here do this or that. Keep them interested, make them laugh, show confidence, good eye contact, compliments (I like your shirt it looks good on you, I like your long hair, etc) you will have them.


get it now?

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there is no need to be rude. what did i do to you?


Not taking things personally is a good one too. Just my opinion, don't take it the wrong way. Bouncing questions/ideas is what forums like this exist for regardless of age.



Personally, I find going out and meeting potential dates is the best way to start (as much as possible). Being a bit simplistic but it is true, the more you try the more hits youll have. Also agree with everyone eles's posts. Good luck

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A quick Google search shows 1 in 4 people have personality disorder and similar number for people with undiagnosed depression. If having a great sense of humor is a prerequisite I understand why these people are depressed!


To answer a question, other than sense of humor, good look, hygiene, and all the typical stuff. A nice car, stable job, lots of money always help.

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Not taking things personally is a good one too. Just my opinion, don't take it the wrong way. Bouncing questions/ideas is what forums like this exist for regardless of age.


True, but it doesn't bother me much. he probably has a screw lose, when I did nothing. i'll blank him from now on.


Personally, I find going out and meeting potential dates is the best way to start (as much as possible). Being a bit simplistic but it is true, the more you try the more hits youll have. Also agree with everyone eles's posts. Good luck


Where is the best place to meet dates?

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