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I just broke up with my gf of 5 years recently and totally took her for granted. Now she's starting to see other people and i guess jeolousy takes effect. But all in all i really do love the girl and i want to be with her. About two weeks of not seeing each other, she decides to see me. We do our normal thing of dinner and hanging out and we start talking about our relationship. I tell her how hurt i've been and she expresses her hurt feelings and she cries etc. Now. She was down to marry me as i was ready, before the breakup, but i'm so young that i know i couldn't support us. But now she seems like she's trying to get at this other guy and she knows it's too late to get back together. She ends our conversation saying that she couldn't talk to me right now because she said "I know how easy it would be to get back with you right now and i just can't, you can wait but you don't have to etc." Now i'm lost and don't know what to do. I feel hurt everyday. I try going out with other people and she's still on my mind. I really want to be with her but at the same time i feel that moving on is logical. Don't know if i should wait or try to move on.. ? I do really love this girl and would marry her on the dime. I dunno though..

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To wait or move on... That's something only you can really decide.

Only you know the importance of your relationship with her.

Have you ever heard the saying, "The best things in life are worth waiting for."?

Just make sure you don't wait for something that's surely not coming back.

As hard as it is to accept (I've just gotten through a situation like this that ended just today), if it's meant to be then she'll come back. My guy went out with one girl, I hung out with one guy, and that's all it took. Others it may take longer to realize what you want. It'll be okay in the end.

Remember: Everything happens for a reason.

If you find it hard to stop thinking about her and stressing about this, really, go out a do something. Don't just sit around. Exercise, do a puzzle, build something, whatever. Just don't sit at home and mope. If you do, the pain will only double.

Good luck. God bless.

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