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For all the girls and possibly guys out there (don't take this as if it's only for gay guys it's not) the best advice someone can give you after a break up or just when you're lonely, is to not be affraid that there's always someone there for you. Infact, the Bible says that God won't put you with someone he doesn't want you to be with. Eventhough this may take many times to get the right person, eventually you'll meet your "soul mate." But until then date Jesus. The best way to get to know yourself is through God, not through someone else. Running to a human and telling them all your problems just isn't worth it, they're not going to care and face it the advice we tend to give at times is just stupid, but some how, God always knows what to do.


I was in Colorado for the last 9 days and it was the best experience I've had. We were doing a thing called the Colorado Caravan, and through this we learned how to be more confident and trust in the Lord. But honestly, the best lesson was on how when you date Jesus, not only are you giving yourself the time to meet the someone your'e supposed to be with but you're also giving yourself time to settle down and get to know you better along with the Lord and that's honestly the best thing you can do.


If anyone has questions or comments on what I've just said feel freee to ask, it might take a while for me to get back to ya'll cause i'm leaving for BC tomorrow but i will try to get back to you. Thanks...**JESUS FREAK**

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Wow, it is just incredible you say that.

Okay, well my boyfriend and I just got through a pretty messy and hurtful break up, but we got back together. Really, I have God to thank for that. No person understood because they either didn't care or just plain thought I'm too young to love and feel pain from love. So I confided in the Lord. I read the Bible, I cried to him, I told him how I felt, I told him that I trusted in him, I got rid of my worry for him, I told him how my boyfriend has helped me, how my boyfriend wouldn't pressure me into doing things. I talked to the Lord. He took away my worry and pain. He entered my dreams and my life. He told me everything would be alright in the end, and I felt it. That's when I knew. He wanted my boyfriend and I to be together.

I've never been very religious, so I really see this as a miracle. I've came so close to God and everything, and I feel such a peace. He has rewarded me greatly for confiding in Him and trusting Him. I owe everything to Him. He got me through this.

When you're on God's side, I truly believe you can do anything.

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