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IUD Question for the Ladies! Please help if you can!


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I had one ( the one that you keep for the shortest time) but hated it and wet to take it out after a week. Got really scared as it was v uncomfortable for longer that the doctor told me it should be ( a couple days). when i went to get it checked after a week, the new doctor told me all i needed was stronger painkillers, and that pain is ok, it will go away. Got freaked out as the advices between the two docs were different and requested it out. But my firends swear by it, they have been having it for years!!

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Which one are you considering?


I had the Mirena. I'm sensitive to hormones, so I chose Mirena over a birth control pill because the hormones stay localized in the uterus and only a small amount are circulated in the bloodstream. I was scared of the pain because it is easier to insert in women that have had children as their cervical opening is larger. I don't have kids so I thought it would be very painful. I went somewhere where they had a doctor who had a lot of experience with IUDs and they were able to give me a cervical block, which was basically anesthesia in the cervix. That shot and the insertion both felt like a mild cramp. It was much easier than I expected.


Then there were several weeks of bleeding and cramping and after that it was over. Unfortunately, even the small amount of hormones affected me and I had to get mine taken out after 4 months (removal also didn't hurt very much). I was getting really strange symptoms that have since resolved since I got it taken out. Many women love it, though.

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I asked my doctor about this a while ago, but she refused to do it because I didn't have any children yet. I know some doctors are more 'old school' with that thought, and plenty of women have had it without ever being pregnant. I have heard that it can be more painful (the insertion, at least) for women without children, however, pain is pretty relative and subjective!


I am pregnant now, and I'll also be considering this once the baby is born for birth control. I am horrible with taking pills, however, I found that the nuvaring was pretty good and I used that for a while before I was pregnant. Nuvaring is painless and it's easy to use, so just another option out there!

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I've had the Mirena IUD for 1.5 years now and LOVING it.

Before that I was on the pill for 6 years. I never had trouble with the pill, but I was tired of having to remember to take it everyday.

The insertion was a bit painful (I've never had kids either), but it's nothing to be terribly afraid of. I used to have MAJOR period cramps when I was a teenager and insertion and the few hours afterwards were like these cramps. I felt some light cramping until two days after insertion. I had some on and off bleeding for a month or three after insertion, then it stabilised. I hardly ever have my period anymore (ugh I love this!!!) and no side effects whatsoever. I'm really happy with my IUD.

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I got the non-hormonal copper IUD (Paragard) and am protected for about 10 more years. I love the thing. Yes, the insertion was uncomfortable. Some cramping and pinching that was pretty intense, but the cramps were down to a dull roar later the same day after taking some Midol. Similar to period cramps. Anytime I felt it coming on, I would just take a painkiller and it would be gone. These only lasted for another day or two. Now my cramps are pretty easy to deal with and my period flow is pretty normal. The initial discomfort was totally worth it, IMO.

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I have a Mirena and love it. I have never been able to take any of the pills because the hormones give me horrible migraines. The Mirena doesn't. Make sure your doctor gives you some meds before to relax you and a local. Mine gave me Valium, Xanax, and a local inside. It was painful but not horrible. That was for my second one though. The first one she just put in with nothing and it was the worst pain I've ever felt. Still worth it though. I think it's the best invention ever!

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Mirena here and I love it, like the others I now have virtualy non existant periods. It's not nice having it put in and you'll get period like cramps for a few days afterwards but I was told to take a painkiller an hour before, and the doctor number the cervix - not as bad as it sounds! I have also heard stories of women in their late 40's getting the Mirena, when they get it taken out after the five years they've been found to have gone through the menopause (naturally, not Mirena induced) without any symptoms or problems.

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