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Women That Should Be Generally Avoided

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Okay guys, me and PADreamer made up an idea to make two separate posts, one about females that should be genreally avoided and one about guys that should be generally avoided. I read a ton of posts and it seems most of us keep ending up with two-timing girls or cheating guys so let's have everyone's opinions (both male and females) about what kind of people to avoid. Any takers?

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Ok then if were going to be honest, im assuming you mean anything about there characteristics, then i would have to say for me, both men and women would be if someone came onto me or if i was in a relationship with someone who was entirely vain, based on looks and felt that they were the entirity, i would avoid someone who personally didnt feel that as a couple and both an aspect of male and female that we should be equal.


is that ok, or did you want it deeper?



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infact i dont like a man who seems to deny all emotions within a relationship, or not deny but not express, personally i would like someone who could tell me bad or good however they felt, i dont mean everything but i mean that they should be able to express something, and i would actually like a man who could confront things, not in an intimidating manner, but i dont like it when everything is denied or they allow something to be lost to later say, but it could have worked, or even someone who gives in, lies and then seems to come back running after theyve hurt you.


infact that goes for women also because one of my friends does it and i cant seem to show her how much it hurts.



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Well first my mistake, I forgot to tell you that PADreamer is another poster here at this site and she isn't online at this time so I don't know if she will make a post about Guys to Avoid or not. But anyways...


I am amazed that withing MINUTES of creating this post I have several responses already and most from girls! That's awesome. I will give out a few that I have encountered and quote some people a little bit later but the advice given here is simply amazing in such a short amount of time. Northernlights knows where some of us are coming from, I cannot stand those types of female so thank you for being a girl that understands us. Now to answer your question Neva, I am mostly talking the personality of females but if you find another fault besides peronality that might spell trouble for a guy, let us know. Maybe we should avoid girls who have a super protective father or a girl who is super religious.....anything bascially! But primarily behavior.

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Wait, wait, wait, wait Neva. Save the types of guys for another post. I'm trying to see if my friend is going to make that post so you girls can vent about the types of guys to avoid. This makes the posts more organized and easier to respond to. Sorry for the delay but she isn't online at the time but she usually comes on everyday so just be patient.....lol!

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ok then personally i feel that girls to avoid for me would be those who seem to be a woman who is possessive and most people think, aww thats only seen when your in a deep relationship but it can be seen anyway, i think some women often choose people and even though it used to be masculine stereotype, actually rate men, they have their own categories and seem to set a lining, however when they are with someone they arent to let someone go lightly and thereforeeee become false...these type of women dont let anyone see the man end it and thereforeeee keep control.


usually you can tell this in a woman when she strings you along, possibly be delayed responced and teasing but not actually meeting etc, some women do like the feel of control so you wont actually start a relationship so make sure you dont get stringed along by those who dont have deep chats with you but actually enjoy the thrill of the chase and just the 20th first date in their eyes. some women call this ''checking the goods''


sorry i sound bad because ive had friends do this. but i can assure you, you should know when your on to a catch or if its too good to be true. women are players.


but still weve got to wait for the mens topic yet sorry about the glitch.



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It's cool But okay I have thought of a very common type of girl to avoid, GOLDDIGGERS. And yes I have been with oone. These are usually easy to spot but some hide it pretty well until they think you are going to do anything for them and some actually develop overtime from once really nice girls who now think money is what makes the relationship go round. My second to last ex was a pure example.


Can you believe she actually thought I didn't love her because I did not buy her a bag of LAY'S POTATO CHIPS????? She also wanted me to buy her food EVERY SINGLE DAY. She didn't start behaving like this late in our doomed relationship. I quickly became very skeptical of her intentions with me. Everytime I know the end is near, it happens sooner or later.


Well while I was at a military exercise, come to find out she traded me for some guy she has actually been with ALL ALONG (and she had another guy too). She totally ignored and disrespected me. I never did spoil this girl believe it or not, she just developed a money loving attitude for some odd reason but then again, she was always a cheater.....she had the WORST of both worlds....a cheater and a golddigger.


But I blame myself for even getting hooked up with a girl in a club from Korea (despite she was Filipina) but alot of guys go out with those girls and have very successful relationships. I just so happened to hook up with the wrong one. Now she is obviously scared of me after my friends found out and embarrassed her.


Did I mention she got rid of me and the two other guys just to marry some dude she only known for a few days and then got rid of him to get with AOTHER guy? Yep, I was stupid and I learned from that REALLY quick......obviously she used her looks and her kindness (and man can she fake it....) to lure guys in.

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I think one of the biggest girls to avoid is the type of girl that flirts with everybody and just cant keep to one person.The type of girl that constantly looks around to go out with a guy for like a week then break up with him because she just cant just stay situated with one person.Definitely the girls that r into the whole party scene where they go to get drunk and party all the time.And for us type of guys that r shy and stuff i think the huge personality girls that like attention constantly and r just so hard to give them a fun time r ones we should avoid.Cause i have been out to the movies with one of them before .

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I cannot stand that kinda of girl either. It is okay to party and whatnot but if that is all they want to do and get drunk all the time, you KNOW there is going to be some trouble sometime in the future. Especially with all those other guys there and she is drunk, if you are not around, she is very likely to have a lapse of judgement where she gets involved with one of those guys who take advantage. Don't believe me? Read around this site and you will find a few drunk/party stories.


Don't forget the females who think it is their nautre to constantly flirt with whomever they want RIGHT in your face and then tell you to deal with it. If I don't do it, then why don't I get that same kind of respect. Flirting is okay to a certain degree but I'm talking about to the point where people think she is with THAT guy instead of you.

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definitely watch out for girls who disrespect you, whether you are alone or in front of other people. This goes from flirting with other guys to calling you names or cussing you out. Any person who will do this to you will also not have second thoughts about lying to you, cheating or taking your money.

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Simple but sweet advice, and from a woman who I am sure knows what she is talking about. I have been disrespected many times, not just by girlfriends, but by girls who I thought were good friends or girls I thought would be a good idea to go out with. I have been cursed out just because I wasn''t attractive to her yet she let one of the thugs talk to her and she all ga-ga for him. I have been called names constantly by these types of girls only to have a gang of guys and girls ridicule me just because i am different. As for girls who flirt, yes I have been with one of those too. Actually THREE of them but only one of them did it to the point where it was totaly unacceptable, another did it but in a more passive way (she didn't touch but she did compliment so it wasn't too much of a bad thing but guys would think she is trying to get with her) and the last one just admitted that it is her nature to flirt.....I got very skeptical of THAT response.

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Definitely the girls that r into the whole party scene where they go to get drunk and party all the time.


That's pretty much the past 7 years of my life in a nutshell. What's wrong with that if that is your particular lifestyle of choice? She's not trying to hurt you, she's trying to have fun and live life her way!


I've always been a very big party girl. I won't lie, I really don't think there is anything better than a night out on the town that includes clubs, dancing, drinking, friends, laughs - it's the way I relax. I love it.


I've met a lot of guys during my party days (not these days), and I can honestly say that I've never promised any of them anything. If anything, I'm always very honest about who I want to date and how. If guys choose to become more attached, in my opinion, that's pretty much their fault!


So ultimately, I'm just trying to defend the good'ol party girl. Nothing wrong with it, and we're not all gold-digging tramps out to break your heart or toy with you. It's about fun!


Now, the girl I would advise to stay away from are girls who you catch lying to you early on in the relationship. The lady poster above who said to be careful with a girl who disrespects you is also 100% accurate.

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Oh no no no. Nothing against party girls and girls who want a night's out. it is just those that make it their ENTIRE life, as if that is all their existence is worht is partying. THOSE are the types that are the two-timing, gold0digging tramps. But a girl who just wants to have fun, it's all good. But I am still against those types that just constantly flirt with other guys when she is with someone (I'm talking about all out flirting, touching, teasing, all that jazz, it is kay to compliment someone of give them a hug if you really cool with them.) I am sorry if you felt that me and Shinobi attacked you and your friends Oceaneyes. And yes, the lady poster about the disrespectful women is very accurate. And yes, if a guy gets too attached to you when you never showed any signs of loving them it is their fault, but please just don't go and stomp them to the ground. I see it happen all the time wheh it shouldn't have to be that dramatic.....

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Okie dokie. Well here's another type that should be avoided although this type of girl was some what explained to a degree. Someone said insecure girls are ones to be avoided but generally those types that take EVERYTHING the wrong way. Technically not the high confidence type but the type who think the entire world should be about htem and if they think that if you don't talk to them every single day, they think you are cheating or something like that. In other words, DRAMA QUEENS. I know one girl I was Instant Messaging and for about only ONE minute I didn't respond (because I was talking to my grandmother for something important) and she automatically assumed that I was being mean and selfish even AFTER I told her I had to do something? I mean come on! We barely knew each other and it ain't like we was going out, I just chat to alot of people online.


Then you have the case where this one girl I knew was so paranoid that everytime her guy would just say HELLO to another girl (and he didn't even have to smile at her) she would automatically think he is cheating. ALL HE SAID WAS HELLO! Give me a break....

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Ya i had nothing against girls who do that to have a good time and have some great fun and to meet some nice guys who u can have a relationship with.But the ones that go to just have sex and mess around i disrespect and thats the impression most of those type of girls give off.But ya theres nothing wrong if u do it just to have a good time.

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I think it be more beneficial to explain the type of person to avoid more in depth. It makes this post more interesting and we get more insight on how to spot these types of people. Just remember, every person will have a degree of the type of negative person in them but we are here to exploit those who make it more relevant and more of their lifestyle. A few websites have motivated me to do this and I am going more of by personal experience and what others have told me. So any type we should analyze right now? I let you guys crack a stick at it.

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Avoid women who chronically can't make decisions for themselves. I guess this applies to men too, but for the sake if this particular topic... People who rely on everyone else to make decisions for them can't be independent. This means that they will have a tendency to lean on you or someone else CONSTANTLY. You want to be with a person who can equally be on their own and be with you. Sorry for my lack of sense.

Of course, there are exceptions to this scenario. For example, if it is obvious that the person WANTS to make their own decisions and simply hasn't felt like they were able to in the past, then it's likely that you can help them shy away from needing everyone's help all the time. I know that most of you couldn't care less about my example, but here's a good one anyway: My boyfriend has never felt like he could make choices for himself. Because of his family situation and his medical issues, his mom, to this day, takes it upon herself to try and force her opinions and beliefs on him. He's become so afraid of making his own decisions and getting ridiculed for his opinions. When we first started dating it was almost impossible to even get him to suggest a restaraunt to go to! BUT he's getting better at it and more confident. So... yeah...

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I have seen a lot of girls saying that their dream guy should be unselfish, kind, trustworthy,honest, friendly, intelligent,,etc. You know,all the cliched stuff. And I would say the same about what I expect in girls. But I would sincerely like to know if these girls also practise what they preach. If they get an understanding,accomodative guy,do they take advantage of him and boss over him? Or do they jointly take control? If he is honest,do they take that as a ticket to cheat on him knowing that he won't do the same and may be forgiving? Perhaps my view is jaundiced because all these things happened to me in my first (and last) relationship I had. I hope all girls are not like that.


I also detest girls who play the abuse card if a guy stands up to them,argues with them or defends his rights. Scenario: Girl cheats on Guy A and has a fling with Guy B. Guy A gets hurt and then angry and confronts her. She regrets what she did but also resents having to carry the guilt,thereforeeee she bursts into tears and accuses Guy A of emotionally harassing her and not forgiving her. This is soooooooo common and the girl usually gets away with it as the sole winner.


And here's something that many guys won't agree with me on. I LIKE possessive girls (as long as it isn't extreme). I am slightly possessive too and maybe that is why I am attracted to girls of the same type.

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Okay, first Outlaw's topic: golddiggers. What can we say about them? It's pretty self-explainitory and there's no excuse for the behavior. In other words, if you're with a person who uses you for money, or a ride, or status or anything like that, they are in it for the wrong reasons.

Now onto Lonely. Personally I practice what I preach. It is sort of interesting to me beacuse I think, in general, I personify the type of girl that you are talking about. So when there is a problem in the relationship or a misunderstanding or anything like that, I do everything I can to fix the problem. The funny part is that most guys I know get frustrated with me when I do that! I guess it's because I ask a lot of questions and I like to talk things through. I get very intensive because I want to know exactly why stuff happens the way it does so that I know what not to do in the future. How can they get mad at me for just wanting to learn from my mistakes so that I don't upset them again? I'm a communicator. That's what I do best! I think people SAY that they want someone who will talk things through with them and all that, but in reality they want a perfect relationship where there's never anything to talk about; there is peace and harmony 24/7/365. But relationships like that don't exist. A relationship like that would not be worth having. It's like what Tom Hanks says in "A League of Their Own": "Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. The "hard" is what makes it great." I know, I'm rambling.

I've never played the "abuse" card, so I don't really have anything to say on that. But I have been overly posessive before. In my first few relationships I was pretty young. And young girls can get pretty crazy when it comes to guys that they like. But in my opinion, if a girl is my age or older, they should grow out of being posessive. I admit that when you're in a committed relationship there is always a feeling of "s/he is mine". But I think that as we grow up we need to learn to fight those feelings of possession. It's a very hard place to get to, but I understand that the guys I'm with are individuals and they make their own decisions. If a guy decides to leave me, no matter his reason, I'm always okay with it. Yeah, it hurts- sometimes it hurts A LOT. But I have to let him make the choice that he thinks is right for him. I have never regretted the WAY that any of my relationships have ended- save one with extenuating circumstances. And once again I'm rambling. I'll shut up.

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