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I've known this girl for over 3 years (actually all my life but we weren't exactly friends till then). Well, back then she used to really like me. But I was in a realationship with someone else but I still flirted with her a little but I don't think I totally lead her on.


Then she started dating someone and we kind of stopped talking altogether; for no particular reason. But since then we've separated from out partners and kind of started talking to eachother again.


Last weekend we went out and saw a movie and then went to a get together type thing with a bunch of people, ate and talked. Then went to Starbucks afterward with three others and did the same.


On the way home however, she was complaining she was cold and inquired for me to keep her warm, which of course I did. Then we decided we would hang out some time this week when she had free time, which was wed and thurs, but i haven't heard from her at all. She got online once but left without saying a word to me.


My question is, should I persue her? Try to get her to hang out with me when we both have free time? (we're both in school and work so our schedules are a little off)...And how should I go about doing that without pressuring her or even looking desperate?


Thanks for any advice..

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She could very well have been waiting for you to message her!


Some girls are old-fashioned in the sense that they still like the man to make the first move. If she's already hinted that she's interested in spending some time with you, give it a shot and ask her out!


You won't look desperate, you've known her a long time. And, if she really liked you before, there's obviously something that she finds attractive about you.


E-mail her and casually mention, "we should get together again sometime". See where it goes!

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