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I am not sure what is going on.

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See I have known this girl for a while. We have always been friends. We end up having a class together. In that class I notice she started acting different towards me. She was being extra nice and always trying to me on every project we had to do. I would also ask me some questions like what kind of girls I like. I also notice during lunch she would be sitting her friends and they would just stare at me. This was like a year ago.

Now I noticed others things like when I am walking down the hall she sees me coming she looks away not to look me. She would just ignore me now. I am not sure what is going on. See I am into her but now I don't know what to do.

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After reading your post i reckon that the girl was actually waiting for you to me your move but it seems you didn`t catch the sign, but i would say that is history now. Next time you see her and she looks away just walk up to her and say hi to her if she responds back then pick on a topic on class course work and talk about it then at a short time tell her if she would mind to go for a drink, if she says yes then take her out for a drink. as well make yourself close to her then within two or three days in strike up a conversation and chip in to ask her in a way if she is single then go from there. if she standing on her own, you walk and ask her if she waiting for boyfriend if she says no, then you can now tell here that you have something to say to her. If she says what is that you want to tell her, then you go from there to chatting her up


hope this works out because if you don`t tell her how you feel you will regret it in future.

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lol - he's only 17 arkangel1 - so much for the drink - good idea though


I would agree that she was possibly waiting for you to make a move & when you didn't maybe she felt rejected or like you didn't like her.


I suggest that you try to make small talk with her, be friendly and genuine. If there's something there, you'll know it.


Good luck, Bro!

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thanks for your advice. I saw her yesterday at her job. When I walked in she hey but she said it like she was down about something. I went to her cash register to talk I couldn't talk long because people behind me were waiting. I wanna her if we could go somewhere to talk but i'm not sure to go about it because she is working.

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lol you wanna hear something funny. when i liked my current bf who always played it cool, i was starting to give up and stuff, so he saw me in the hall and hes like hey and whatever and i said hey like really depressingly because i was depressed about him and him talking to me made me feel as if hes so close yet so far. lol...and hes like y u so down? and i didnt even reply lol. so her seeming to be down could be because she remembers how she felt about you. but ya if you;re interested then just make small talk, try to talk to her friends casually and end up talking to her, or ask about something with classes. but ya it shouldnt be too hard, her being depressed is actually a good sign (unless ofcourse she was actually depressed about something serious lol).

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