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Why is it so hard for me to stick up for myself =/

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People walk all over me, even if I dont do anything to them, just because I am skinny all these bigger guys think they can just walk all over me.


I mean some of them do it as a joke but still I cant stand up for myself because I am always affraid things will get out of hand. You never know how someone will react.


I have no confidence in myself which is why I am too affraid to get involved in a relationship because I dont think id be able to stick up for them. Guys are suppose to be able to protect their girl not the other way around =/.


I am just a giant wuss and I hate myself

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What you need is self confidence. So what if you are not big. Not everything in life is about stuff like that. A lot of girls like guys that are a bit smaller.


Consiter therapy. Just to build your self confidence. It helps a lot. Self worth is not what other people say, but rather how you feel about yourself.


I know that it is hard to ignore people when they say stuff or when you feel out of place. But things get better as time goes on.


Try working out. It not only will help you bulk up a bit, but it relieves stress and makes you feel better about yourself.


Try not to worry about what other people say. Relize that you are just as good as any of them and don't let them walk all over you. Everyone is equal.

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mercurydreams is spot on, you need self confidence.


When I was late teens I was much like you. At 14 I had an emergency operation and I was given a drug that I was allergic to. I went into the hospital 6'0" and 160 lbs, and came out two weeks later at 124 lbs and could not break the 138 lbs mark until I was in my early 20's. My nickname was "Sticks".


I suffered the lack of self confidence you are describing.


In my late 20's I discovered working out. In less than a year I transformed my body into a something that I was amazed at. My self confidence soared, those guys that used to make fun of me, stepped out of my way when passing me in the halls and all the teasing stopped.


As my self confidence rose, so did my appeal to the opposite sex.


I hope that this helps mate..



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would it be a good idea to see a nutritionist? I mean it seems no matter how much I eat I cant gain any weight. Ive been 120 pounds now for like a year and I cant put on any weight =/.


I worked out for about 6 months and took protien weight gainer shakes and saw no results at all.

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