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Grrrr I hate phone tag!

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I have one question


Why do so many girls say there going to call you back, but they never do, I have spent the last 3 hours at home, blowing off friends that have called wanting to go do something on this boring monday it's been so far, But i tell them I'm waiting for a call, this call hasn't come yet, I told her when she said "i have to go my stepfather just got home, I'll call you back"


I said "thats so transparent it's laughable" her response was, she sort of laughed, and seemed to take it offensively, and said Bye, I just hung up, she has done this 5 times in the past, BUT she has said she just says that to people, and all last week she tried calling ME, but i never returned her calls, until tonight...should i call her back or wait this out until she calls me back? who's becoming the cat> and who's the mouse?

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Don't let her play you for a sucker. She's probably tryin to get you back for not answering her calls, so I wouldn't hold my breath for her. I'd call call her back and let her know whats up. Ask her if she wants to hang or not. Point blank. If she says no, don't waste any more time on her. Let her come to you you. Thats just what I would do. Take it for what its worth. Let me know what happens.

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Dont tell me that you never did that to her! Because I have a boyfriend that when he says "ill call back in 10 minutes" It really means about an hour or so. Ive told him about it also and its like "WELL SOrry something came up. "sorry i cant call you at the exact MOMENT that you want"... blah blah blah.


DO IT RIGHT BACK, when she calls back, say Ill call u in 10 minutes, THAN DONT EVER CALL BACk, when she calls back be like OH ( and say what she said the first time to get off the phone)...


doith to them as they doith to you! (sometimes you just gatta play tag)

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The guy I am dating does the same thing. He always says he will call and it sometimes doesn't happen. Or sometimes he will say he will be over to my place in such and such minutes but it will take him hours. It bothered me a lot when I first dated him. So the lesson I have learned is to use my time do what ever I need to do instead of waiting for him. If I am at home and he says he will be over in xyz minutes, then I will take my time getting dressed, listening to the music, watching tv, reading book, bla bla bla. Then when he actually arrives, just give him a big hug and kiss instead of argument. I have never talked to him about being late. If we are going to meet somewhere, he knows that he cannot be late. Or if he says that he will call and forget, I just call him. People sometimes are busy with their lives and get carried away. No big deal for calling the ones you love.


Revenge is not a solution in relationships. In your case, tell her exactly what you think and see how she responses. Some people just cannot stick to what they have said. If her being not responsive to the promise (that she says she will call you back) is really bothering you, you guys should talk. Good luck. I hope you find the solution.

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She never called back, so I'm thinking tomorrow I'll just let her call me, if she doesn't OH well, i'll be in a B.A.S.S. invitational tournament in southern Illinois



*I hope i place in the Top 10*


(she doesn't know I'm going there) ~good thing is having Caller ID


It's like this, even thow girls say they like a guy that chases them, It's black and white for others..But with me I'm not going to chase. i have in the past and got hurt, I didn't gain anything from feeling like that.


It's just not that way with me, (anymore) And if i feel like i am chasing her, than i think I'm being sort of desperate, or like i have no spinal cord, some devitalized sap, almost like a doormat, BECASUE i'm giving her the opportunity to AGIAN say something knavishly toned.


like shes busy, or has something to do, which I think is just a reason to get off the phone, Although in the past we have talked quite a bit, she enjoys NASCAR a lot and just meet in person Kacy kane, and Rusty Wallace, had some HOT passes to pit crew, whatever those are..so i have some things that shes interested in, now i guess it's just focusing on those key interest that may get me in the door, for a Future event under the title of "friendship"


Another thing is this guy josh, He goes with her to the nascar, they are not dating, just friends and have been for 3 months, I'm not the type to fight over a girl, but i will when i feel it's right Go in strong, with a high level of confidence, Drop my anchor (invitation) and see what transpires after that. I'm first still working on the OPEN line of communication or at least trying to have it reciprocated

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i think a game played safe when you know the contender is going to come back at you, i mean some people either thrive for the attention or only enjoy being wanted and having power of saying no.


like you i learnt from the past and i dont play tag, people cant easily be walked on, you have the people you trust and you should wait for, but i can assure you now that i would wait longer than an hour when others are offering out a great oppotunity, if someone calls you again dont wait, send her a message say you waited for a call but something cropped up and youll catch her later, if she takes that offensively then sorry, but how, youll see if she wants you.


dont be the door mat, everyone of us is better than that!

good luck with this one. and good luck in coming within the top ten (as they say a man with a target gives himself something to aim at a man with no target aims for nothing)




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