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Weight Loss/Telling someone im going to go for it!

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Ok, this is my first thread and am nervous about doing this, so forgive me for writing excessive amounts. I've seen posts similar to mine, but none seemed to have quite the same problem, any advice is excellent!


Ok, my problem is im 17 and summer is hear and im overweight. Im ready to change, I have great motivation, and ive taken many steps to ensure the whole excursive issue can be taken care of. I took a job at a store which involves lifting lots of stock and working hard for 8 hours at a time. I also took a paper round (at 17 but it means I can do about 1 mile of riding before I even eat. This brings me to dieting, and more serious problems:


I planned on telling my dad i was going to go on a diet and loose weight (that was a huge step, i never confide/tell anyone anything about me, I find it just too hard) but we had a large argument about an unrelated issue, which means I wont be telling him about it, cause he crushed the confidence I had without knowing. I spent the whole day working out what I was going to say, and he must have had a bad day and went off the wall at me for something totally unrelated.


I planned to tell him I was going to cut down on foods and exercise more, and start the Atkins diet. But now am totally crushed, I feel as if I can't tell him anymore and it sucks!


Am meeting an EX after summer, and I don't want to look how I have done for the past 10 years of my life. I have motivation, drive and am all set to start, so am basically looking for some advice on what I should do? How should I tell him what I want to do? Am going to need to tell him because I won't be eating what I do now, so he will notice straight away. Also he would help me prepare meals if he knew, but I just can't tell him. I know he wants me to be happy and loose weight, but he hasn't applied pressure (which is really cool, he just said when I was ready I was ready) but I find it so hard to talk to people about myself - can anyone relate to this? That's why im posting here, it's much easier online (this site has been a huge help for me!)


So if anyone has any advice on steps they think should take on telling him, or workouts or anything, let me know thanks! Because at the end of the day I made the choice to loose weight and I don't want to be stopped, I want to look in the mirror in a few months and have that feeling that I have achieved something truly excellent!

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first off.....I find it hard to talk to peole about me...especially familly members...


A while back I lost 15 pounds in just one month...but I tried really hard...

I went to the gym for an hout, then I ran for 30-60 minutes....

I did this 5 times every week...

In the gym I work diffrent musles of my body everyday...


The biggest mistake I did was letting my body get used to it....don't let it get used to it so fast...


you can do bikeing, swiming, stairs, and running....do diffrent types of cardio.


Also cut back on...





and don't eat no more soda, chips, milk, cheese.


Get yor calcium somewhere else.


I loaded up in the morning...eating a good breakfast, it made me last longer at the gym...

then later for lunch and dinner, I ate light meals...

and don't eat after 7pm

sleep 8 hours a day.


and thats all I can think of right now..


also if someone tells you the you will never loose weight, just ignore them keep at it for couple months, and you should see results...

remember it get harder as you go, so don't loose faith.

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Hello Anderson.


I am glad your all motivated and prepared to make positive changes in your life.


You also need to just go through with it, dont let little issues get in the way of your goals, your not getting married or moving to the Congo to study apes, your just changing your diet! just say, hey dad, I decided to lose some weight this summer i need your help and motivation to keep me on track. thats it!


The Atkins is a pretty good diet, it does work, its very good for those that have had problems with dieting or have low will power, because you do eat a lot.


I suggest you take a good multivitamin and add some kind of fiber to your diet.


Resistance training is the best, doesnt matter that your not interested in muscle or not, lifting weights prevents you from losing muscle as you diet, it speeds the fat burning process, and makes you feel good (eventually) you want to keep that muscle on your bones, as its what keeps your metabolism high more muscle you have the more calories you burn without even lifting a thing.


Aerobics is ok, but is catabolic so dont over do it 20 min of aerobics before weights is ok. tell the trainer/instructor to make up a routine for you, also tell him your on the Atkins. and your goals, better Gyms have good trainers available.


After you reach your goals, you may consider switching to the "South Beach Diet" it allows for a little more low Glycemic Carbs in the diet, after a few months on Atkins you will be getting burnt on it, and a little change is ok.


Remember that this is a permanent lifestyle change, but the good thing is after a while you will actually love it, you will not be hungry or grave all the stuff your eating now.


Good luck, and dont let anything stop you.




Sodas, even diet sodas seem to have a negative effect, drink plenty of water, or make some Iced Green tea, make big batches of it, add lemon, and to make it sweet use "Stevia", Green tea is a wonderful herb, helps burn calories, and really good for your health. (anti cancer, anti radical etc.) Stevia is a natural low calorie sweetner that also happens to be good for you.

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Let me first say congratulations!


Four and a half years ago, I was clinically obese at 14 and I had health problems related to it. I made a New year's resolution to change my diet and start exercising. It was extremely tough at first...but now I am much more active and I am at a much healthier weight (195, 6"2)


But putting that aside...I would consider it imperative to tell your father as you will need someone to encourage you when you reach your plateaus. It was extremely difficult to tell my father at first because I thought he would laugh it off ( I stewed for a couple of days over what I needed to say). Instead, he was very accepting of the decision


He encouraged me with general questions about how I felt and he directed me towards the right decisions about what I should eat.


Perhaps the pivotal moment in this was about two weeks into my diet & exercise regiment, I was stressed out over school, my body, and life in general. When I get stressed out...I eat. I was about to break my diet when my dad walked in and mentioned that he could see a physical change in me. Not only did it brighten my mood, but I realized that my new regiment was working.


Another piece of advice would be to not only talk to your father..but join a weight-loss forum. link removed would be the one to recommend as there are many members on it and the advice is quite helpful.


Good Luck!


-Buzz Archer

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thanks for the advice guys. Ive decided that i will tell him sometime soon, and then progress onto getting into the swing of things. I must say, im acatually very excited about starting, ive never really thought about fixing my self, i just accepted it, which was wrong!


Thanks for the support

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don't fix yourself, one day you might wanna have a baby.....


good luck anyways...


and don't give up...

even if you don't see results...keep at it, or change things a bit.


Don't let people make you feel bad...

I'm going to make you a and how much weight you can loose on the diet and excursice your are going to do.


These aren't acurate tho...


3 months - 15lb

6 months - 25lb

12 months - 75lb

2 years - 150lb


these are just to give you an idea, on how long it might take...

you can loose 50lb in a month...I hope this guides you.

and when you eventually reach your goal keep at it still, to keep it off.

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