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Has Anyone Read "Stop Your Divorce" by Homer McDon

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have read it and all i can say is that it is overpriced meandering drivel...there are far far better ebooks for "stopping your divorce" than this one avaliable on the interenet. Whats more they don't cost the outrageous price that this one does.

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I have not read it all, but basically didn't need to. It basically advises you to stop fighting it. Give the other person what they want. Roll over and play dead basically. I doubt it works much. Didn't work for me.


I am still getting a divorce.. Nearly final. The wife moved out the day I Joined this site. Feb. 14th... That was one heck of a Valentines day gift let me tell you...


The best way to stop a divorce is to figure out the real reason your getting one in the first place.

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I read the book and one thing it definitely does is give you hope. For many here, that is enough. There are a lot of good techniques and advice in the book as well. You are definitely better off WITH the book then without it. Having it is another tool in your toolbox. The more tools you have, the better off you will be. If this book increases your chances of geting the Ex back by only 10 percent, you have to remember that it's still 10 percent closer then you were before reading it. In other words... this book certainly does not hurt anything. Give it a try.





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What are some of the good ebooks? I am dying here.... I need a little something. I've found:


Saving Your Marriage Made Remarkably Simple

Stop Your Divorce Joseph Grant

Save Your Marriage Even if Only YOU Want to Work on It!


Any suggestions would be helpful.

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I just ordered 2 book "Hope for the Separated" and "How to save your Marriage Alone".

If youd like me to I will let you know what I think of them once Ive read them. However, I will warn you now, they are bible based and although thats one of the things I like about them I realize they may not be for everyone.



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