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  1. Initially I felt like you but after alot of thought and prayer I realized, I am not willing to give up. Marriage vows today seem too easily forgotten and cast off as insignificant. I intend to stick by mine . If he wants this a divorce he will have to file it, in the mean time, I'll continue fighting for my marriage. And although I dont see reconcilation in the immediate future, I also do not see divorce attorneys on the horizon either. My husband and I get along well now, better than before, and are learning to spend time together again without the tension and strife. So as far as Im concered there is hope.
  2. I wonder was she actively in counseling before the admittance to the psych ward. And were you in couseling with her? It sounds like both of you could benefit from extensive counseling , individual and as a couple "For better or worse, in sickness and in health" ... I can not dismiss those words so easily. If my husband wants a divorce he will have to initiate it. I made a promise and I intend to stick by it. Your wife broke your vows when she strayed that obvious, but is divorce really the right answer? Have you explored other avenues to heal yourselves and the marriage. Please consider doing so before resorting to dissolving it. I believe divorce should be the absolute last option when all others have been exhausted. Especially if children are involved....a legacy of divorce is a terrible thing to leave a child with. Just one womans opinion
  3. My husband hasnt filed either and he said he wanted a divorce over a year ago. Im not sure whats stopping him either, its not money, that I know. Second thoughts, possibly, but hes not actively trying to reconcile with me. We get along fine now but I havnt seen any signs he wants to come home. I miss him and wish nothing more than for us to work things out but presently he seems to still be riding the fence so to speak. I wish I had some encouraging words for you but honestly all I can say is, if you want the divorce then perhaps you should file, and if you dont want it... hold on, it may be a long ride.
  4. I just ordered 2 book "Hope for the Separated" and "How to save your Marriage Alone". If youd like me to I will let you know what I think of them once Ive read them. However, I will warn you now, they are bible based and although thats one of the things I like about them I realize they may not be for everyone. Texanne
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