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Drowning in a cage.

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Hi virtualjedi,


If it makes you feel any better, I empathize man. Sometimes, I feel like I've completely let go of all the anger, frustration and hurt when she left me, and I feel a kind of nice calmness in me, and I can see purpose again, and then other times, I am trapped in this cage of despair, rage and disappointment.


What has helped me sometimes in running along this nice lake around where I live - there's something about the outdoors and nature, it is peaceful, calming. And of course, I just got back from an amazing trip to Japan and Korea - beautiful countries. Although we can't travel all the time and make it a living, the memories from my pictures sometimes help me get through the day. Maybe take a small trip somewhere where you've always wanted to go, even if its not too far away - its worth it. Also, maybe this doesn't apply to you, but if you are somewhat religious, going to church has sometimes helped me too. I don't know how to put it in words, but letting yourself go to some higher power, there's something freeing in that instead of always thinking we are always in complete control of our lives, and we are always responsible for what has happened. It is nice to think that there is some higher power working, where things didn't work out because they were meant to be somehow, because a higher power has a better plan for us in the future - I hope you don't think I am some freak or something because of these thoughts.


Anyways, I wish you peace my friend. I know I seek it too, and hopefully in the near future, it will come to us.


Take care.

Kung fu

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The people who see ghosts, are the ones who make themselves see these ghosts. The reason why you are confused and why these thoughts are not going away are because deep in your heart (dont lie to yourself) you want a miracle for you and the person who caused you pain to work out. When you walk away from someone (regardless of who broke up with who), you DONT look back, because when you do, you are expecting something to miraculously change.


if you really want these thoughts to come to an end, and if YOU REALLY want to, then you'd do almost whatever it takes to do it. we all feel pain, but the pain isnt here to stay, only if we let it.


so if these "ghosts of the past" re-appear, tell yourself that nothing is going to hurt you tonight....not on your watch.

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