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For more info, take a look at my post in: link removed . I'm 16, and will be 17 in like 5 months... I'll be a Junior in High School. Well, the truth is: I'm into basketball big time. The problem is that my pals tease me because they're all taller than me. Well, they don't tease me, but they're as good as I am in the game, except that unlike me, they can even dunk it (the smallest one of them is 6'4"...) I think that if I were at least 6'3" (maybe even 6'2") I'd be able to dunk it as easy as them... I have worked on my jump like crazy, but still... I can't get as high as they can (they jump a lot too, so I'd like to put up more of a fight...), so they are good on blocking my shots because I'm not even 6'1". Well, my question is: Would hanging from those "monkey bars", or whatever you want to call them, or from anywhere in general, for long periods of time everyday + a more decent calcium intake help me? Or is it too late? My older bro, the only grown-up brother I have, is 6' tall and I'm a little bit taller than him, which makes me that tallest in the family... He never hung from anything and I don't think he had the most adequate calcium intake, which makes me think he could have been taller if he had taken more care... Just tell me what would help me... I know being 6'/6'1" is not bad, though... But I'd always want to be taller (at least 6'2"/6'3", which I think should be attainable... after all, I'm not asking to get to 6'9"...). So, I'd like to hear all opinions, thank you.

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I guess you re quite serious about this basketball thing.

As Im from a town with lots of basketball enthusiasm and lots

of young boys (and their parents) desperately trying to improve their game,

i have also heard about this monkey bars as you call it. I think it actually

works, if you do it in the right age. And just think of these nearly 2,20 m

(cant translate it in feet) basketball players from China! I wonder what

they do with them, because I think Chinese usually dont grow like that by nature. However, I dont think that all these methods are a good idea.

It seems to me kind of hurting your body. How important is basketball

for you? If it s just about hanging around with your mates, it should work

with your currrent height anyway. If you originally planned to play college basketball or something else, this means that you probably won´t make it.

But don t worry too much about that- there is so much what you can do instead. ok, easy to be said for someone not involved with basketball

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I do want to play in college. Now my question is: Is it too late to use the monkey bars? If I get to at least 6'3" my chances of making it happen will be less slim (ok, I'm not that optimistic about it, but hey, I want to try... Besides, I've got the talents, all I'm missing is a little bit of height...). So, should I try the monkey bars?

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I mean I cant predict if you will grow some inches by nature,

but i dont think it s too likely. Compared to any kind

of artificial growth, however, i guess you re more likely to grow by nature.

Didn't you say you re still 16? I won´t say it s impossible.

(Since we ve been posting on this topic for a while, I d like

you to send me a pm in a couple of months whether you somehow

got the height you need for the game.) 8)

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Well, I think the monkey bars thingy does work... I mean, when I was like in 3rd grade, I grew like 2 inches over the summer because I remember I was almost a fanatic... I mean, I would spend the whole day just hanging like a monkey, lol. Well, not the whole day, but I did spend lots of time and I thought it was fun especially when I competed with some friends and beat them on who could get through the whole thing faster. Well, that was when I was in 3rd grade, so I don't know if it would work now (not that I need it because I am 6'2", which is in my opinion enough, given the fact that I'm not so much into basket as you seem to be...). Well, I'd say you give it a try and see how it goes at the end of summer... Good luck, and Best wishes.

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