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Don't know what to do HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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I was curious about a subject tonight and looked it up in google and I came accross this website and found it very interesting.


I then decided to sign up and post this question because it's been messing with my mind all of this week.


It begins like this, my brother met a girl about a year ago and got together with her and now they live together and are having a good relationship. They've been together for about a year and about 2 months ago, she told me that one of her best friends from Poland (she's 100% polish, I forgot to say) was coming over. So I came with my brother to his apartment to have some fun, since he lives in an area that's a lot more fun than where I live in with my parents right now. Basically when her friend showed up, I immediately had an attraction for her. It went on for about 2 weeks before I even tried to talk to her because I was so nervous I'd screw things up and she'd think I was an idiot or something. Call it stupid or whatever but this girl is really hot and I had never lived in the same apartment with someone that attractive. So basically I found out from her body language that she wanted me as well. So I thought, GREAT! I'm 17 turning 18 in a few months and, unfortunately, she just turned 24. Once she found out about the age difference she thought it was ok but that my brother would not be cool with it because he's a bit protective when it comes to me. Well we have been flirting A LOT and she told me she wants to make out but we never find any time to do anything by ourselves without my brother or his girlfriend being at the apartment. So finally today about 2 hours ago my brother and his girlfriend went to sleep early and I had like 10 minutes alone with her just talking and flirting and when she was leaving for her room, I got a sudden feeling that I had to try to something

so I grabbed her and cornered her and was about to kiss her but then I realized that I didn't know how to approach. It was odd and I ended up letting her go because I didn't even know how to kiss her without it being awkward. I know that you probably think this is a stupid question and I took too long to say it but I just don't remember how to kiss a girl in a way that she will like it. She's 24 and that puts me in a nervous mood when I think about her and I getting physical and me not knowing what to do.


Basically my questions is some suggestions on how to approach her. I'm doubtful for various reasons.


- The small amount of time we get by ourselves.

- Age. She probably has a lot more experience than I do.

- Another topic I saw in the forums is a hard on. Everytime I flirt with her physically I get one and I'm afraid she'll think I'm stupid or something. But she hasn't given me any negative reaction towards it when it happens because I usually back off and let it go.

- Also kissing. I've had a very bad time with girls lately and had a very bad image of myself and approach towards women in the past few years and as a result. I haven't been able to even encourage a girl to a date or something because of my insecurity. It's been 3 years since my last kiss (I know it's lame but I've had really tough 3 years in high school with girls and everything) and I just don't really even remember how it feels or should be done because I barely even knew how todo it in the first place.

I know that some of you will laugh at this post for my insecurity but I'm just really trying to have a good time with this girl and I don't know how to approach her. Please HELP!!!!


I decided to post this because a few days from today my brother and his girlfriend are going out of town to buy some stuff they need for their apartment and such, her and I will be alone for a long long time. I just really want to make the best of it and she does too but I am so afraid to approach her and by the way she has been behaving I know that she wants me to take charge and likes it when I do. So I seriously need some help.



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A hard on is not a turn off, it is a turn on! I take it as a compliment. I think most girls feel the same way I do about this.

As for kissing her, just do it! Look into her eyes, tilt your head, move in slowly, close your eyes, and lock lips! Don't stress it and have fun!

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sit next to her somewhere in the house whether it's a bed or a coch or whatever, and talk a little quieter than normal and like get close to her, but don't get too close since you two aren't probably comfortable around each other. compliment her on how nice she looks and that would probably break the ice.

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Just do it. Kiss lightly and slowly at first with your head tilted which ever way hers isn't! Also, you might want to kind of lift her chin with one of your hands kind of curled and let the first kiss be sensual. Then, go in for the kill! Before you know, clothes will be flying! Don't worry about your brother, it's not his problem. Age shmage! Who cares? Two people are attracted to each other and that's that!

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