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What Women Want

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They want you to give them an orgasm...Preferably more then one.


I don't think there is a more comprehensive answer one could give to this question. And some women, probably very few, may not even want that. Women and their desires, as well as men and their desires, are all different.

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Back rubs. Foot massages. Feeding me strawberries. Fanning me. Basically, when I'm in bed, he's on his knees. Hehe! LoL! I'm joking. I'm kidding!


What I like my man to do with me in bed is to lay there with me and cuddle. Sure, we can make out, make love or whatever. I know. It's kinda taboo to talk about stuff like that, at least that just how I've been raised. But I must admit, it's those little kissing sessions that drive me insane. Especially if it's dim lighting, candle lights, and a romantic setting.


What I also liked what one of my exes did with me, is when we're laying in bed, he'd tell me bedtime stories. He'd start first, and then we'd take turns, adding our own version to the story. I like it even better, especially if the subject is based on our favorite movies, but twisted into our own unique version. I think it's even cuter, when a guy adds humor to it as well. I like it when a boyfriend can be creative and do those things, even if though it's too mushy for him. I know it's cheesy, but that's what makes a guy 10x's cuter. It's the fact that not only can he be a 'macho man,' but it also a romantic sweety all at the same time.


I like it when we can get silly together, and all together, adorable. It's not the X-rated stuff that counts. That's not the most important part. It's only a part of the chemistry, but not all of it. What's more important are those little moments of bonding that adds more emotions and deeper meaning to the relationship. It's when we can just lay there, listen to music, watch a movie, watch our favoritie shows, crack up with each other, tell each other stories, make fun of each other, act goofy, joke around, relax, and fall asleep in each other's arms. Basically, whatever helps us to add spark/interest to the relationship.


Whatever it is, if you have a lady that you want to please: try to be 'creative.' Sponteneity adds a little spice to the relationship, which then adds uniqueness, thereforeeee, more meaning to the relationship. Good Luck to you! Mahlina

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Mahlina is totally right. I guess a lot of what she pointed out could be summed up as intimacy and those all-important "quiet moments" together. It's not about where you put your fingers, or how you kiss her, or how you do this or that or anything else... it's about feeling togetherness. Feeling loved. Having something together that no one else has or will know about.


It probably makes me a bit of a woman in many respects, but those are the things I treasure the most too! Lying in each others arms, smelling each others hair, reading a book to each other (or making up stories, I like that idea mahlina!).


To be more specific about "what women want in bed" (if that wasn't enough for you), I'd say ask your girl. She'll know this better than anyone else! To be fair, every person is different and enjoys (or "gets off " on) different things.


If you're worried about asking her, ask her in a playful manner, I'm sure she'll tell you.


Good luck!

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