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I need help again

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I know this question probably been asked 100 times, but without down right asking some, Do you likeme? Is there any way I could tell. I know if her pupils dialate and all the that other stuff but I dont't know for sure how to diagnose that stuff? i need help stat.

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What interaction have you had with this person so far? It's not like you can instantly tell if someone likes you, there is no magic formula I'm afraid. I sure wish there was!!! (But maybe life wouldn't be so interesting if we knew all the answers all the time, nor would we work harder to make something happen if we know right off the bat the outcome).


But if we can get an idea of what your relationship with this person is, we might be able to give you some more detailed feedback.

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Okay well I knew her for the last year. I talk to her alot when I see her. Nothing to important though. As I said in my other post she laughs at most of what I say,aslo she kept putting paint on me two yesterday when we were painting a hallway in our church, she smiles when she sees me, and we make eye contact for the majority. The only thing sometimes she talks about other guys in front of me when she iswith her friends. But she doesnt have a boyfriend . I just don't to ruin my friendship with her if she doesnt like me.

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Laughing at your jokes a lot and sustained eye contact are certainly positive signs. Why don't you just ask her out on a date? don't stumble all over the place trying to tell her you like her, how you feel, etc., just next time engage her in a conversation, ask her things that make her talk, act like you're really interested, etc. and then towards the end of the conversation, say, hey, would you like to get together sometime soon? I need to get my movie fix in soon, and it would be fun to have you come with me....


you get the idea. you don't necessarily have to say that, or ask her to the movies, you can suggest something else. In short, don't make a big production out of it, but don't cheat yourself out of the opportunity to ask her out either. She'll probably say yes. If by any chance she hedges, or says no, then don't take it too harshly. Be gracious. And let us know what happens, we'll be happy to help with more advice if needed.

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Just be conscious of the way she acts around you. if she makes alot of eye contact, or flirts a little, or smiles alot around you, those are some good signs.


And btw, eviljedi (cool name), i'm sorry i do not agree with you. I tried something exactly like that one time, with one of my very good friends, and we just started drifting apart after that.


Hope I could help.

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