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They hurt so bad!-female replies!

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I know this may sound silly but for the last week my breasts (can I say that word?) have been aching so bad. I'm 14 and have a size 38c, so would that have anything to do with it? They hurt on the sides really bad...I mean *BAD!!!* I'm not on my period or getting ready to start and I have no idea what this might be happening from...any ideas? Please help!




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Advil is really good for body aches, also try some different types of bras, like sports bras, you know those tight fitting tops for exercise? those will help to keep the breasts from moving so much.


Go to the mall by yourself, that way you can take your own time, try on different types of bras.


You may have stretch marks too, I am not sure, but I think that some baby oil or something like that might help.


There is something called Bag Balm that we just got -- on the label is says that it is for cow's udders-- you could try that too, it is in a small green can with flowers on it, yes!

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I found this.....don't ask where


It's totally normal for your breasts to feel tender, sore, or just plain uncomfortable during puberty. This is because of all the changes that are going on in your breasts as you're growing.


You might also find that your breasts give out a little bit of milk as they're growing (it's normal if this happens; it's also normal if it's doesn't) or that one breast might develop faster than the other. Eventually, these differences will even out and your breasts won't feel as tender.


In the meantime, do what's comfortable. Some girls feel it's uncomfortable to sleep on their stomach while their breasts are growing and switch to sleeping on their side. Some girls also have extra-sensitive nipples during puberty and start wearing a bra to keep their clothes from rubbing against them. If you experience discomfort in your breasts during puberty.

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I'm sorry to hear about your discomfort. Please check out the attached site which might help answer some of your concerns. If it continues on a regular basis, you should mention it to your Dr. upon your next visit. I do think though, that it's more related to your puberty growing stage combined with the fact that you have larger breasts for your age which can contribute to a throbbing pain & lower back pain from the weight.


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During puberty breasts can develop rapidly causing discomfort, sensitivity and even stretch marks .


take care,


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Avman-I don't think I could be pregnant. Because everytime I have sex (which isn't very much) we do a condom test to see if any water leaks through after we are done and we stop and check a few times in the middle of it too. But I really don't think it's that. I'll take the advice. I wear sports bras and the other normal ones which fit fine. They haven't hurt this bad before and it's scaring me. They hurt really badly. I hate having this big of 'breasts' as a 14 year old. I'm the biggest in my class and even bigger than my mom. It's depressing. Of course guys like them but then you never know if they like 'you' or your 'breasts.' It is just starting to scare me.

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Dear Under-The-Pressure,

The first thought I had when I read your post was to wonder if you might be pregnant, since that was the first clue I had that I was pregnant when I was just a little older than you. But you say you don't think that could be the case because you have been taking precautions, so perhaps it is just growing pains.


It's difficult to have large breasts when you are young, but as you get older you might start to feel differently about your figure. I have large breasts also and it's true that men do stare, but I have not found it difficult as a grown woman to know if a man likes me or just my breasts. I like the way my body looks and like having large breasts, but they are still just a small part of me and I think the guy I live with would agree -- he's not with me because of boobs.


Sounds like you and your boyfriend are rather nervous about the condoms if you are filling them with water afterward to see if they might have leaked. You might want to consider using some spermicidal foam or jelly along with the condoms. That way you won't have to worry so much about a condom leaking or coming off.

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I think what you are going through is just normal---When I was your age, my breasts felt weird too---and I was developing a lot faster than everyone else in my class.


If you are already having sex, then I sure hope you are going to the GYN, who is probably the best doctor to be seeing for the pain in your breasts. You should also be checked for STD's and AIDS.


I think what scared me more about your follow-up post is that you said you were having sex at 14!!! And that you are checking a condom before, during, and after sex to see if it's still okay? I'm begging you to get yourself into a clinic and see about getting birth control. If you are afraid to, then your much too young to be having sex (which I think you are anyways!). Do you really want to get pregnant at 14? You aren't even an adult yet and you're risking your entire life (and another human being's life) on having sex too early with a young boy, who is not capable of being a father. You'll never know if a guy wants you for "you" because you're having sex with him. I'm not trying to berate you---I just wish you could see how special you are and know that you are worth something without having to resort to having sex at your age. Having sex at your age will only make you feel used up. I dont want to see you go down that route.

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Hey, thanks CherryGrl. I think we are both 'nervous' about it alot is because of our age, and because I really don't want a kid when I'm 14. I am 99.9% sure I'm not pregnant, that I don't worry about. I think we are going to go to a more reliable condom so it's not such a huge worry. There is sometimes I like my breasts and other times I don't. I'm sure when I get older and fully figured I will thank the good Lord above for blessing me but for now I ask why did he curse me? -lol- I'm just so much more developed then the other girls in my class or even older girls. I have 38c breasts, curves like crazy, big hips. I mean I don't have a 'fat gut' I am just a little 'chunky' through there so I'm not some 'beach whale.' It's just I always feel 'fat' because I have to buy bigger shirts and bigger jeans and after awhile it gets depressing. please reply...





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michelemybell-I just read your post and thanks for replying. That is what bothers me is because I haven't went to the GYN yet, my Mom made an appt. but then canceled and I haven't got another one yet. I just don't want my mom to find about it, she would ....freak out. I have only had sex twice and with the same guy. I want to be put on birth control but the whole thing about my mom finding out about it all. My boyfriend isn't exactly 'young' like you are thinking either. He is pretty much capable of being a dad, I'm just not fit as a mother. What you said to me, really left an impact. I mean 'really!' So...I might quit the sex thing, at least for another 2-3 years. I don't want a kid at this age. Plus getting STD's and having to live with it for life...thanks. I think that may have changed me. So could anything else be affecting my breasts??




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I just wanted to say that I wasn't cutting you down or anything. I just think you deserve more in life than that.

My ex got a girl pregnant when she was your age and he was 18 (he was forced to get married to her or else go to jail) and it has impacted his life for good! He is 27 now and takes care of the boy. While he loves his boy, he said if he could relive his life he would've abstained cause it essentially screwed him up emotionally, financially, etc. He wasn't able to do the same things as other kids his age did, such as college and having a career.


I would suggest talking to your mom and rescheduling your GYN appointment for your breast problem. Your mom wont ever know about you having sex, cause it remains confidential between you and your doctor. You can then ask your doctor about possible birth control options. Trust me, your doctor has seen everything from all ages and wont look down at you. And your doctor will ease your concerns about your breasts. I highly suggest seeing a female GYN because you'll probably feel more comfortable with a woman who understands what you are going through.


Anyways, hope you do well. And please consider my advice about abstaining. You have a whole life in front of you and I think you are smart enough to do good things with your life.

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Hey thanks again. So if I get an appt. made and then of course the doctor asks if I'm a virgin and I say no, she won't go to my mother and tell her?? Or if I get a pap smear will like a paper come back that says I'm not a virgin or anything like that?? I know one of these days (sometime in the near future) I will tell my mom, just that I'm not a virgin. But I don't want to right now. I don't plan to tell her who I did it with or anything like that, but I think I should tell her sometime. I'm just not ready to tell her yet. I have already told my boyfriend earlier in our relationship that I didn't know if I wanted sex yet and he said that was okay to him, he didn't want to pressure me. So I know he won't care, because he cares for me and my feelings, not sex. I'm supposed to go to his house tomorrow, I plan to just *snuggle* with him. Thanks, I didn't take it as you 'cutting me down' or anything like that. I take it as advice, and good advice at that. ...So the breast thing is probably just puberty??

please reply




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I do think that sex is a big responsibility at 14 with the possibility of pregnancy and STDs. It would probably have been better to wait, but now that you've done it I guess you and your boyfriend just have to be honest with yourselves as to whether you're going to stop. Don't kid yourself and then find that you've gone further than you planned without adequate protection.


When I was younger I went to a Planned Parenthood clinic to get birth control pills, and I knew quite a few other young women who did that as well, rather than go to the family doctor and worry that mom would find out. If you're so concerned about telling your regular doctor that you find yourself going without reliable birth control even while continuing to have sex, you might consider this option.

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I believe in most cases when you visit a GYN, the doctor will say, after initially meeting with both mom and daughter, if they can speak with you privately and answer any personal questions you may have. It is then when the subject of confidentiality is addressed. You can find out where the doctor stands---and I think 99% of doctors will be in agreement to keep things confidential. They want and need your trust. Otherwise you'll end up not answering their questions.


Also, the doctor will ask if you want your mom in the room during the exam. Dont feel bad saying no. Most girls don't want their mom in the room--virgin or not!


I think most GYN's (especially women GYN's) understand where you are coming from. I think the only way your mother will be involved is if there is a serious medical condition---in which case you'll want your mother involved!


Damn, at your age you shouldn't have to be thinking about STD's, pregnancy, birth control, parenthood etc! You should be out having (other) type of fun!! I guess you'll realize this when you get older! In the meantime I hope you take care.

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