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depressed after dreaming that I was born or seeing birth of someone


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I had a dream yesterday and basically I can't remember details but I am in some hospital and I am born or I saw someone close to me being born. At that instant, I saw my life flashing by and saw my past 23 years. Lot of old memories and suddenly I find myself woken up crying....I realize I can't start anew like that baby, and this realization makes me fatalistic....almost feel like a part of me is dead or I feel dead...I feel like I have wasted my life and the future is pointless.


how can a dream get me so depressed ?

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Or it could mean that you have to let go of the way you have been living, make a new life for yourself, create a new you.


I had a similar thing happen to me when i was in my 20's and I knew I would not 'live' past 28. Well my life turned upside down at 28 - I walked out of my old life and created a new one - so my old self did 'die'.


Being born, is the beginning of a new period in your life. Are you finishing a degree? Moving? Do you need to start thinking about something like a major change in your life?


Look on it as a positive. It is a new phase in your life. Get excited. Embrace it. Change is one of the wonderful things in life.

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